In-Game name: Dylo
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:214985223
Age: I am currently 13

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes I do have a mic and I do use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: Basically everyday.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: I currently have 47

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: I live in Canada so EST.

Rules you view as most important: Mass rdm and respecting other fellow players and staff. I will prevent these with jailing the people who mass rdm and always being as kind as I can.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over others applicants? I think you should pick me over other applicants because I would love to catch the criminals and help keep the streets safe and help up and coming players such as myself and spread positivity to other players and just having a good time. I also have reffered a bunch of new players because I think this server is just amazing as well as best of luck to all cop applicants.

You gave me a fucking heart attack when I saw it the first time un-edited :wutface:
I am now satisfied. Pretty average app, and I like you in-game.
Good luck!

By the way do not post more than your application on this post alone. You do not respond to the criticism unless absolutely necessary.

Yea ty for the feedback I accidentally posted it. :pinkheart: :pinkheart: 🙂)

This edit was by [member=764]CoalWorker[/member] : I did this so I didn't have to post again, no prob just don't give me a heart attack often pls x.x

Dylo is a really nice guy and I think he really deserves cop. I am not saying this because he is my friend but I am saying this because he is always helping me when I need it so thank you Dylo!

Dylo is really fun and cool to be around would make for a really good cop.

Dylo is really cool and i believe he will help the community immensly... 🙂 🙂 😉

Non-toxic player, I recommend

I also gave him 20k

See [member=1]myback[/member] or [member=764]CoalWorker[/member] in-game for training!