Earth is false accusing me of cheats he has 0 Evidence and said "Banned for hacking" Which i do not own cheats!
Earth False
Your In-Game name: Tkco
Admins In-Game name: Earth
Admins Steam ID: Unknow
What server did this happen on? RP
What rules did the admin break? false banning me acussing of cheats and mass disrespect on me
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any No but this needs to be looked into logs due to all the staff abusign.
Other comments: No
Earth do not comment and Even if i was hacking THis topic is still allowed your not allowed to lock a thread so you can get away clean when your abusing powers.
You were banned for hacking. shown in this screenshot just because you modified it from your post doesnt mean it doesnt exist
You literally uploaded a screenshot of your screen which had wallhacks activated on this thread,2619.0.html
After you were asked for an explanation, you "went afk" twice, when clearly you were editing the post over on that thread that had the screenshot to remove the link.
You were given lots of time for an explanation, which wouldn't have mattered because you were fucking hacking and don't belong in the server lmao.
Three posts? CLICK THE MODIFY BUTTON, Earth Is a great admin so I don't believe you, you are going to need good evidence that you weren't hacking, getting an attitude with admins is not going to help your case.
i did.
Then why are there 3 posts
No proof that thats even my screeny shot here is the screenshot we saw XD
Who's is it then?
Agien No proof that thats even """""MY SCREENSHOT""""