In-Game name: Tkco - (was taco)
Steam ID: 76561198146956897
Age: 14

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? yes

Days of the week you are available to play: All Weekends and most week days

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 31

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: CTZ

Rules you view as most important: MRDM, Dont leave when arrested

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? Why we should pick you over the APPLICANTS: I loved darkrp, but this is much more fun. I don't minded if yeah choose someone else but I think that it would be worth it. I work hard to everything I do if I set my mind to it. I want the best for everyone on the server I will do my best to make sure everyone has fun. I can introduce new players and show them how to play etc. I will understand if you don't choose me.

You can edit your application you don't need to create another comment on your post[/font]

Average application, and you're OK in-game. Just chill with the screaming

yeah my mic is just always loud my "mac" auto sets my thing and it sets to full

[member=764]CoalWorker[/member] How do i tell if im accepted?

There will be an admin meeting then once they have decided there decision they will put as a post at the end Declined (you didnt get it) or Accepted (you got it)

My bad before

Matthew2510 wrote

On friday they will decide if you become a cop if so, it will say as the last comment


[font=arial black]Hold up partner

Admin meetings are not always on fridays

so just wait till a admin replys with accept or decline[/font]

errrm ok now my hours are 10 when i did have 31 also i do have a screeny of hours

Tkco wrote

errrm ok now my hours are 10 when i did have 31 also i do have a screeny of hours

[font=impact]Please show us a screenshot or i think it is safe to say
auto denied[/font]