Church wrote
wow... Skittle this is just wow what you fail to mention in all of this is that i warned you and told you to change your name and you refused, Skittle you cop RDM
me several times, because your mad at me(i have screenshots) when something doesn't go your way you throw a fit. I will admit that the no clipping part was me messing with you, so i'm sorry i was messing with you while you were gambling.
as far as the kicking and 60 min ban you saw me warn and gag others for saying it then you change your name to it to instigate more shit, i warned you that i would kick if you didn't change your name, you didn't you got kicked then you changed your name to add your name to the phrase, after this happened several more times i banned you for 60 min, joey got the point and changed his name but you refused.
also while im here if i see you call a vote again with an admin active on the server ill just kick you. i have asked you to stop and have been warning you for about 2 weeks now and apparently kicking is the only thing you respond to.
P.S. if you really think that because i pay for something for the community is the only reason im an admin, maybe you need to rethink things
Read this reply before making any decisions.
You completely twisted my words in this reply.
I was breaking no rules by changing my name to "church is deadpool" and as for me Cop RDMing you, you completely knew that was a joke and never said "stop" or anything to me, if you cared you would've taken my cop away then and there, and that day you were also noclipping me into walls, abusing your power for jokes, so I abused my power for jokes. Also, attacking me in MY report against YOU is completely immature and uncalled for and should not nullify anything I've said in this report whatsoever, go attack me in your report against me.
You were just "messing with me while I was gambling" after I told you to stop multiple times, Gnome told you to stop, and you kept going?
I never once said that you only have admin because you pay for the forums, I'm saying it's a RUMOR that you're getting special treatment because of the fact that you're paying for the forums.
As for you warning and gagging others, they were spamming it in chat, I simply changed my name.
As for calling votes while admins are on the server, I mainly votemute myself whenever Madimir is on joking about that type of stuff.
Yesterday I votemuted someone who was literally screaming into their mic, and calling another person names. I even waited 5 or more seconds for Gnome or Angel, who were active at the time, to take care of it. They didn't, so I votemuted, it passed, and I get warned for that?
Again, attacking me in my report against you is just plain immature and disrespectful, and should not nullify my report in any shape or form like it has in other reports against him, even if the person who made the report didn't say anything against him. In this screenshot, Deadpool is saying him reporting me for cop was just "bad timing" last time I cop RDMed him was days ago (IT WAS ALL ON THE SAME DAY), and he knew I was joking, especially about my "Sanitation Police" application. It's just plain hypocritical for him to make a report on me for joking around, after he says that he is joking in my report against him.
If my cop is taken away, then so should his admin.