Your In-Game name:Skittle
Admins In-Game name:He goes by Church and Deadpool
Admins Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:47138920

What server did this happen on?Roleplay

What rules did the admin break?He abused his noclip commands, and his power to move me around in depths of the map unreachable by anybody without those powers.

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any

Other comments:I personally think his admin should be taken away, as seen in the first part in my video I had threatened to report him and told him to stop multiple times, even Gnome told him to stop, he did it multiple times after that.

Also, I've heard a rumor that one of the reasons Deadpool is so heavily guarded by the admin team is the fact that he pays for the forums. If this is the case, tell me how much the forums cost and I will most likely be able to cover it, and you won't have to suck up to me for me to continue paying.

I dont feel the need to comment much, as most of my views are highlighted in the video. When I mentioned myback only slapping deadpool on the wrist, I was not insulting myback in any way shape or form. I feel that myback is more than capable of handling the admin team. I was only stating what it looks like from our point of view, since every time Deadpool has done something stupid, such as kicking me from the teamspeak for killing him in unturned, or muting the entire server so that he can be hear ( not talking about when he is announcing something, I am referring to when he is talking to someone in a non-admin situation) almost nothing is done about it.
Also i said that he pays for the website. I do not know that for a fact, I am just basing that off of a popular rumor. So whether it is true or not i dont know

Just to add onto this: I looked at one of the reports on deadpool that was declined, and the only screenshot that was invalid evidence was the first screenshot in SennyK's report and was the only one that MyBack called out, and then the completely valid report was declined by Sheckles saying "deadpool is legit autistic, really?" The guy making the report didn't even say that, and even if he did, it wouldn't nullify what deadpool did was wrong.

In a nutshell SennyK's report was completely valid, but declined, which is probably how the rumor was started, and right now, it seems like a fact.

I agree with skittle he noclips under the bank and gets people stuck and you have to bassicly mic spam to get him to stop.

wow... Skittle this is just wow what you fail to mention in all of this is that i warned you and told you to change your name and you refused, Skittle you cop RDM
me several times, because your mad at me(i have screenshots) when something doesn't go your way you throw a fit. I will admit that the no clipping part was me messing with you, so i'm sorry i was messing with you while you were gambling.
as far as the kicking and 60 min ban you saw me warn and gag others for saying it then you change your name to it to instigate more shit, i warned you that i would kick if you didn't change your name, you didn't you got kicked then you changed your name to add your name to the phrase, after this happened several more times i banned you for 60 min, joey got the point and changed his name but you refused.
also while im here if i see you call a vote again with an admin active on the server ill just kick you. i have asked you to stop and have been warning you for about 2 weeks now and apparently kicking is the only thing you respond to.

P.S. if you really think that because i pay for something for the community is the only reason im an admin, maybe you need to rethink things

Church wrote

wow... Skittle this is just wow what you fail to mention in all of this is that i warned you and told you to change your name and you refused, Skittle you cop RDM
me several times, because your mad at me(i have screenshots) when something doesn't go your way you throw a fit. I will admit that the no clipping part was me messing with you, so i'm sorry i was messing with you while you were gambling.
as far as the kicking and 60 min ban you saw me warn and gag others for saying it then you change your name to it to instigate more shit, i warned you that i would kick if you didn't change your name, you didn't you got kicked then you changed your name to add your name to the phrase, after this happened several more times i banned you for 60 min, joey got the point and changed his name but you refused.
also while im here if i see you call a vote again with an admin active on the server ill just kick you. i have asked you to stop and have been warning you for about 2 weeks now and apparently kicking is the only thing you respond to.

P.S. if you really think that because i pay for something for the community is the only reason im an admin, maybe you need to rethink things

Read this reply before making any decisions.

You completely twisted my words in this reply.

I was breaking no rules by changing my name to "church is deadpool" and as for me Cop RDMing you, you completely knew that was a joke and never said "stop" or anything to me, if you cared you would've taken my cop away then and there, and that day you were also noclipping me into walls, abusing your power for jokes, so I abused my power for jokes. Also, attacking me in MY report against YOU is completely immature and uncalled for and should not nullify anything I've said in this report whatsoever, go attack me in your report against me.
You were just "messing with me while I was gambling" after I told you to stop multiple times, Gnome told you to stop, and you kept going?

I never once said that you only have admin because you pay for the forums, I'm saying it's a RUMOR that you're getting special treatment because of the fact that you're paying for the forums.

As for you warning and gagging others, they were spamming it in chat, I simply changed my name.

As for calling votes while admins are on the server, I mainly votemute myself whenever Madimir is on joking about that type of stuff.

Yesterday I votemuted someone who was literally screaming into their mic, and calling another person names. I even waited 5 or more seconds for Gnome or Angel, who were active at the time, to take care of it. They didn't, so I votemuted, it passed, and I get warned for that?

Again, attacking me in my report against you is just plain immature and disrespectful, and should not nullify my report in any shape or form like it has in other reports against him, even if the person who made the report didn't say anything against him. In this screenshot, Deadpool is saying him reporting me for cop was just "bad timing" last time I cop RDMed him was days ago (IT WAS ALL ON THE SAME DAY), and he knew I was joking, especially about my "Sanitation Police" application. It's just plain hypocritical for him to make a report on me for joking around, after he says that he is joking in my report against him.

If my cop is taken away, then so should his admin.

Church wrote

as far as the kicking and 60 min ban you saw me warn and gag others for saying it then you change your name to it to instigate more shit, i warned you that i would kick if you didn't change your name, you didn't you got kicked then you changed your name to add your name to the phrase, after this happened several more times i banned you for 60 min, joey got the point and changed his name but you refused.

The video shows that skittle had his name changed to "Church is Deadpool"
Now, maybe I am blind, but I do not seem to find which rule that Skittle, or I, was breaking by doing this. You told be it breaks 3 rules. 1-Admin impersonation, 2-Admin disrespect, and 3-Not obeying an admin.
1- I do NOT see this as admin impersonation even without the name Skittle in the name. "Church is Deadpool" is not an admin name, it's a statement. This is true in both a literally sense and a common sense sense.
2-Admin disrespect, MAYBE this applies. MAYBE!!!! I don't see how it does, BUT since disrespect is interrupted differently, maybe Deadpool felt it was disrespect. IF this is the case, maybe he is too sensitive to be in charge of a bunch of teenagers playing a game.
3-So we are too follow what the admin says to do, even though we are not breaking any rules? So if a admin says give me your bank we have to? If he says to change our name to Jerry we have to? If he says disconnect from the server or get banned we have to? EVEN WHEN WE ARE NOT BREAKING ANY RULES? ok

AS for "Joey got the point", No I didn't. I changed my name because I felt you were abusing your power and I didn't want to be on the receiving end

For a compromise, I can see two things coming out of this.
1-Deadpool needs to be punished for what he did, whether it be a perma un-admin, a temp un-admin, or a nice lengthy chew out with a side of apology
2-The rules for players needs to be MUCH more clearer, because I don't see how renaming yourself to "Church is Deadpool" is against any rules. If this is the case, then players need to have access to what a admin is and isn't allowed to do. As a player there is no way to defend ourselves to abuse when we don't even know what abuse is considered to be

Well this is more than valid

And i dont see how cop rdm has anything to do with this post honestly

Mewn Will Deal With This

Both of you are in the wrong to a degree.

Skittle, based on the video, I find what you were doing to be disrespecting the admin. Deadpool went through the motions with you and proceeded to warn you, kick you, and then ban you. He gave you the opportunity to stop multiple times, but you didn't.

I don't agree that you guys were impersonating him. What I observed in this video was just an escalation between people that don't have the greatest opinion of one another.

I spoke with deadpool and he agrees that flying around and noclipping into you guys wasn't appropriate, since you guys expressed it was annoying to you. I have asked him to keep admin antics (which aren't always bad) to those who are fine with it.

You can claim that this behavior should warrant a greater punishment...

The action I chose to take was to have a discussion with deadpool about how to react to situations like this. He wasn't abusing his power by kicking and banning, because even though he was flustered and emotions were high, he still followed the warn/kick/ban motions to a valid rule. In addition, as stated before, we have discussed joking around and messing with players w/ admin powers, and he agrees that he shouldn't have been doing that.

It is clear that this report stems beyond this single situation. I suggest working out your own personal differences and try to get along.

These are my same thoughts when watched the video as well, just wanted to share that I have basically the same opinion as Mewn on the matter. This situation turned into a pointless stick poking war with mistakes on both parties. Hopefully we can learn from this and all be friends now 🙂 :smorc: