Hello everyone, would like to bring attention to the fact that when a banker or lawyer model is cuffed, it turns invisible, then this random model, not the previous banker model. Screenshots are here:

This is seen clearly that the banker has over 800 crime.

The subject is cuffed, now changes models for some reason. waas just invisible for half a second before...

This is the model in question. I think it's the winter soldier one, but I'm not sure. Point is, it shouldn't be changing to this model :-[/SIZE]

This has been here for awhile

It's not new

Alright the lawyer and banker model used to go invisible on cuff
This is the fix I believe

This atleast shouldn't be a bug

Yes this is intended, this is the workaround for the lawyer/banker going invisible

We were going to switch over to that model for something, not sure if it was lawyer, but there was a problem with the hitboxes so it was better left off for cuffed gman's.