Before posting a "Report a Glitch" thread, please read this following post as it will help you format your thread appropriately, so that it is clear and readable for us developers to deal with.
Some important information to take into consideration:
Make sure that the glitch is still valid. For example you could be reporting a glitch only a few days later but in that time it could of been dealt with by the time you're typing this thread.
If the glitch has not been described well make sure you also include some sort of footage i.e screenshots, recorded footage, if possible.
Follow the format before submitting a report. Your report may not be looked at if it's not in the following format.
Example Report:
Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY): The date will help us review any noticeable exploits by players to undo this so that players using this glitch/bug could be punished and restored back to previous configurations before exploiting.
What server did you find the glitch on? Simply give us the game name and the server name.
Example sentence: CS:GO RolePlay Server.
What is the bug/glitch? Describe the bug/glitch in detail so that we understand what is happening, giving us more detail will help us track down the cause of this glitch.
Example Sentence: I disabled double jump with the command !doublejump and now when I jump it double jumps even if it's disabled.
Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch? Check to see if you are still able to replicate this glitch after reconnecting or asking someone else to do it on the server.
Example sentence: Yes it is, I asked a couple of my friends on the server to try it out and they had the same outcome. I even tried to reconnect but unfortunately without any success and the bug is still there.
Screenshots or recorded footage showing this: Providing us with screenshots or some sort of recorded footage can help us out.
Example sentence: Unfortunately not but since I described it well enough it should be pretty easy to replicate it yourself.
Other comments: Hopefully this bug gets fixed soon! 😃
Click on [Select] down below to mark the whole code and then copy the format over into your thread.
Please type your answers after the tag [/b] for example: [.b]Question/Required Information:[/b] Answer
[b]Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY):[/b]
[b]What is the bug/glitch?[/b]
[b]Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch?[/b]
[b]Screenshots or recorded footage showing this:[/b]
[b]Other comments:[/b]