Okay so I was afking for HOURS and cactus (roughly 120 cacti on me!) I own the 15k app first floor all the way to the left back wall. I was afking and only coming on to collect my plants and replant. I was in the corner on the door side of wall where it is impossible to shoot through wall or door. I get back on and out of no where I AM DEAD AND OUTSIDE ! Very upset! here is the issue have 291locks on door, all intact. My current plants were still in same place so no one broke in and stole them! no one else has keys only me! Its a big chunk of drugs that was stolen and its very upsetting what is more upsetting is an admin that ive seldom seen come on logs on and abuses his power.... Here is the proof that I can provide. In my knowledge taking damage from the "world" is a slap! so underwater slapped me and then it was only a matter of shots till he hit me because i bounced out of the corner I was hunched in. Had +left in console so i wouldn't crash! I mean this is ridiculous please do something about this.....
Tell him to reimburse my money and put him on probation.. If an admin can get away with this.. its sad...
(My current name in server is SlicedBread to stay in camo so I could make some money I am better known as Sdragon)

Damage Taken from "World" - 9 in 1 hit

Damage Taken from "Ünder?ater$quAd" - 142 in 2 hits

Ünder?ater$quAd killed SlicedBread with weapon_ssg08

buzz | Trading 24k : Watch me
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : Oh the 200k apartment building roof?
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : Look bay
Ünder?ater$quAd killed ? acornbuzz | Trading 24k with weapon_ak47
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : ffs
Got any questions message me killed Ünder?ater$quAd with weapon_hkp2000
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : just look
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : See
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : No parachute
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : Also you can jump from apartment building top floor
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k killed Got any questions message me with weapon_p250
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : Who quit?
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : xD
baytactical (bad at cs) : road to silver

Player: SlicedBread - Damage Given

Damage Given to "Franky the Cyborg" - 130 in 2 hits

Player: SlicedBread - Damage Taken

Damage Taken from "World" - 9 in 1 hit
Damage Taken from "Ünder?ater$quAd" - 142 in 2 hits
Ünder?ater$quAd killed SlicedBread with weapon_ssg08
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : That asshole
JackTheScavenger (Trading) : LOL
Make sure to read the server rules! Type /rules in chat.
Ünder?ater$quAd killed ? acornbuzz | Trading 24k with weapon_ssg08
JackTheScavenger (Trading) : score is crimerate
JackTheScavenger (Trading) : what is death?
Ünder?ater$quAd [1:0:103284299] has disconnected from United States (Disconnect)

(Sorry for improper format)

Your In-Game name: SlicedBread

Admins In-Game name: Ünder?ater$quAd

Admins Steam ID: [1:0:103284299]

What server did this happen on? DarkRIP

What rules did the admin break? admin abuse/ exploit

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any (posted a picture of logs on my steam STEAM_0:1:42175804) Damage Taken from "World" - 9 in 1 hit

Damage Taken from "Ünder?ater$quAd" - 142 in 2 hits

Ünder?ater$quAd killed SlicedBread with weapon_ssg08

buzz | Trading 24k : Watch me
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : Oh the 200k apartment building roof?
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : Look bay
Ünder?ater$quAd killed ? acornbuzz | Trading 24k with weapon_ak47
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : ffs
Got any questions message me killed Ünder?ater$quAd with weapon_hkp2000
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : just look
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : See
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : No parachute
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : Also you can jump from apartment building top floor
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k killed Got any questions message me with weapon_p250
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : Who quit?
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : xD
baytactical (bad at cs) : road to silver

Player: SlicedBread - Damage Given

Damage Given to "Franky the Cyborg" - 130 in 2 hits

Player: SlicedBread - Damage Taken

Damage Taken from "World" - 9 in 1 hit
Damage Taken from "Ünder?ater$quAd" - 142 in 2 hits
Ünder?ater$quAd killed SlicedBread with weapon_ssg08
? acornbuzz | Trading 24k : That asshole
JackTheScavenger (Trading) : LOL
Make sure to read the server rules! Type /rules in chat.
Ünder?ater$quAd killed ? acornbuzz | Trading 24k with weapon_ssg08
JackTheScavenger (Trading) : score is crimerate
JackTheScavenger (Trading) : what is death?
Ünder?ater$quAd [1:0:103284299] has disconnected from United States (Disconnect)

Other comments: I added him and this is what he stated.
Ünder?ater$quAd: WHO U
SlicedBread: why did you abuse your admin.
Ünder?ater$quAd: first of all, who da fucc are you
Ünder?ater$quAd: and i didnt abuse anything
SlicedBread: in rp server. you slapped me and shot me through door.
Ünder?ater$quAd: ??? LOL i didnt slap shit
SlicedBread: dont make myback my lazer run after logs.
Ünder?ater$quAd: or it wouldve said i slapped you on console
SlicedBread: Damage Taken from "World" - 9 in 1 hit
Damage Taken from "Ünder?ater$quAd" - 142 in 2 hits
Ünder?ater$quAd killed SlicedBread with weapon_ssg08
SlicedBread: world damage.
SlicedBread: while in my home in corner +left?
Ünder?ater$quAd: LOOL i aint slap you for shit hahaha you can check logs all you want
SlicedBread: they will bc you did dirty.
Ünder?ater$quAd: i pushed you thru the wall and shot thru the door
SlicedBread: join the server. give back what i am owner.
Ünder?ater$quAd: LMAO
Ünder?ater$quAd: who are you anyways
SlicedBread: i am the person you bsd.
SlicedBread: i was afking all damn day and you join and do some bs?
SlicedBread: thats just dirty.
SlicedBread: especially since you dont even play the server what are you gaining?
(He is saying he pushed me through wall is that not exploiting?!?!?! I mean he does't even go on the server what the hell does he have to gain from even doing that i actually play and enjoy the server am saving up for a 1MIL house, I would like to keep enjoying it but this is just nonsense)

You can just edit your first post into report format. Not make a whole new one.
And I don't think anyone else can speak on this.
Other than those who were there and knows what 'World' means or has access to the logs. Leave this to the administrative team to find out.

LMAO I already discussed this with gnome, I also have ss's of my conversation with this player too. My comp crashed and I wasn't able to properly save the ss's.

Basically, just a salty player trying to accuse me for "admin abuse" because not much else he can do. (I pushed him through wall whilst he was afk in his room and killed him through the door so he reads console and sees damage from "world" and assumes that I "/slap"d him and begins to message me saying he's going to report me for admin abuse.

Admins can check logs, I haven't used the /slap command for a while. It also would've shown everyone playing on the server that I "slapped" Sdragon aka SlicedBread.

I was trying to tell him that my duties as an admin have no influence over what I do on the server as a player, and in this case, I was simply acting as a "player" who used ZERO admin powers to do what I did (push through wall and shoot thru door until I hit him) and upon me trying to explain to him that I didn't abuse anything, he begins bashing my ethics as a player??? :wutface: Again, just extra salt.

This guy's trying to go around accusing me to everyone that I "abused admin" and that I should have my admin taken away and recompense him for the grams he lost, but there's literally ZERO evidence of anything and i'm 100% sure that looking into console will only prove me right. I wish you recorded your gameplay because this would be over in 5 seconds. What I did to you is what has happened to me and many other players many times on the server, but I guess you're the first one to try and use "admin abuse" as a way to strike back.

Not accusing you of whatever is in the report, but belittling the player doesn't help anyone. The report is invalid anyway since no photo or video evidence is present, as the text is easy to manipulate.

+rep Underwater, you just admitted that you pushed the player through the wall to kill him and take his drugs. Can you explain why he randomly took damage from the "World" in his own apartment doing nothing but afking? It seems to me that you used /slap to move him away from the wall where you can then kill him and steal 50k worth of drugs.

Also, I'm pretty sure it's not possible to use sm_push with a wall that size. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you can't, this is pretty clear.

ALSO anyone else who is reading, I can confirm the console writing, I was there at the time and the text has NOT been manipulated.

=rep from me, from what it looks like there are many things that cannot be explained at this one moment. But as jamal said if you cannot provide sufficient evidence than the entire report will be denied. I suggest screenshots.

+Rep pushing does not give you damage what so ever the only thing he could have got damage from is from falling, and if hes in a room theres nothing to fall of.
When you get slapped its taking health from "World". Therefore im sure you slapped him.

But he said his apt was on the first floor

Slaps show in console, and if he slapped you to finish you off, "world
would have killed you

Lemme get real in-depth into this report than it needs to be.

1. Before I start getting into the report, you can know something:

Mewn wrote

Before posting a "Report an Admin" thread, please read this following post as it will help you format your thread appropriately so that it is clear and readable for us administrators to deal with.

Some important information to take into consideration:

  • Make sure that the rules the admin broke are still valid.

  • Have a good reason to report an admin, if the admin, in fact, made a small mistake, it doesn't mean you have to report them immediately, human error is a thing and no one is perfect so please talk to the admin before reporting them if you can.

  • Evidence is required and it will help us to ensure that proper punishment is carried out to the alleged offender.

  • Follow the format before submitting a report. Your report may not be looked at if it's not in the following format.

Evidence is required and it will help us to ensure that proper punishment is carried out to the alleged offender.

Now if we look further down the format, we see this:

Mewn wrote

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: Image: http://i.imgur.com/uyIlrhD.jpg

You might think, "...but Jamal...there a suggestive part in that sentence, 'if any'. So I can post anything as evidence. " Yes, you are correct in that fact, but telling from the dump load of reports we had denied without evidence or just "text-based" evidence in the last few months- years, this isn't a fact. Text can be changed at anytime to advance an individual's or a group's side.

Angel P?wer wrote

+rep Underwater, you just admitted that you pushed the player through the wall to kill him and take his drugs. Can you explain why he randomly took damage from the "World" in his own apartment doing nothing but afking? It seems to me that you used /slap to move him away from the wall where you can then kill him and steal 50k worth of drugs.

Also, I'm pretty sure it's not possible to use sm_push with a wall that size. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you can't, this is pretty clear.

ALSO anyone else who is reading, I can confirm the console writing, I was there at the time and the text has NOT been manipulated.

Matthew2510 wrote

+Rep pushing does not give you damage what so ever the only thing he could have got damage from is from falling, and if hes in a room theres nothing to fall of.
When you get slapped its taking health from "World". Therefore im sure you slapped him.

If anyone who already posted, the reporter, or any future individuals would like provide any evidence to support SDragon's claim, be my guest, but as of now, the report is just words on a paper.

2. Underwater is in the right but in the wrong:
Sure, Underwater, you are correct, logs can be checked in case of situations involving players, admins, or the roleplay itself. According to this log:

Sdragon wrote

Damage Taken from "World" - 9 in 1 hit
Damage Taken from "Ünder?ater$quAd" - 142 in 2 hits
Ünder?ater$quAd killed SlicedBread with weapon_ssg08

Unless server logs can prove that the "World" was from a slap command, then Underwater didn't abuse. If he had killed you with "World", console would have printed that "World" killed SlicedBread. I don't feel thought that Underwater should have handled the situation and the report like he did, as it seems to be reacted on emotions, which makes it seems like there is more to the story, but we will see in the next few days.

[font=georgia]TL😃R Overall, until players and the reporter himself can get valid evidence to support their claims or the server logs turns up something, this report isn't getting anywhere. The way Underwater responded was very unprofessionally (someone will comment, "but it isn't a job, Jamal") and unlike him (brings up more questions about Underwater's side). [/font]


I have shared the screenshot of the console on my profile that is why i included my IP with my name (I don't know a better way of posting the screenshot if anyone can tell me how I will do it)
(I think i got it )

The only reason why I acted like I did was because he automatically assumed I was abusing admin and put forth arguments of me /slap'ing him when I did NOTHING wrong. As a player, i'm still allowed to play the mod no???

His argument was that I used an admin command to slap him away from the wall. I was also down to return the money but right out the gate, this dude approaches the situation on the grounds that I abused my admin when I didn't... Don't even know who this guy is, first thing he says is that I abused admin. Who wouldn't be irritated. Stop turning this report into something it's not (jamal) A player tried to report me for something I didn't do and his only argument is that I /slap'd him but CHECK LOGS. There was no slap anywhere before or after his death. World damage could mean anything and it definitely wasn't from me.

Matthew2510 wrote

When you get slapped its taking health from "World". Therefore im sure you slapped him.

If I slapped him, it would show up in console as well as the chat that said player would have slapped "slapped player"; therefore, you are wrong and your argument is invalid.

Angel P?wer wrote

Also, I'm pretty sure it's not possible to use sm_push with a wall that size. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you can't, this is pretty clear.

ALSO anyone else who is reading, I can confirm the console writing, I was there at the time and the text has NOT been manipulated.

Corrected, you are wrong, I can push him through wall. And yes, the text has NOT been manipulated because no /slap command was used or you would see it in console.

If an upper admin checks logs and I was in fact pushed through a wall ( which i stillndont believe because until i 9 "world" dmg out of no where and then under somehow was able to shoot me) which can't be shot through to prevent nonsense as such from happening then how is that not considered exploiting ? I mean if you can't shoot through a wall but can push through it then wants the purpose of a wall..
And under yes accused you. I play the server and enjoy it , this is the only server I play anymore because I enjoy it so much and i spend all day grinding to make 50k and you glitch through a wall for your own benefit when you don't even play the server ever. You gain nothing but the knowledge of upsetting a player and wanting them to move on from the server. Is that really what it has come to?

Are you legally stoopid or just retarded? If there was a slap in console, it would have been seen. There is no slap in console. Despite this being explained to you, you continue to argue. If you cannot handle being killed then leave this is not the server for you. This post makes me want to kill myself because you cannot seem to grasp the fact that you are wrong. You might as well take this post, turn it sideways, and shove it up your ass because it is simply as retarded as you

Sdragon wrote

If an upper admin checks logs and I was in fact pushed through a wall ( which i stillndont believe because until i 9 "world" dmg out of no where and then under somehow was able to shoot me) which can't be shot through to prevent nonsense as such from happening then how is that not considered exploiting ? I mean if you can't shoot through a wall but can push through it then wants the purpose of a wall..
And under yes accused you. I play the server and enjoy it , this is the only server I play anymore because I enjoy it so much and i spend all day grinding to make 50k and you glitch through a wall for your own benefit when you don't even play the server ever. You gain nothing but the knowledge of upsetting a player and wanting them to move on from the server. Is that really what it has come to?

This is going to be my last reply on this... Any admin can check as many logs as they want, if I had slapped you, it would literally alert everyone on the server that I had slapped you. You can get on the server and I can show you personally what comes up when an admin uses the slap command, or any other command for that matter.

And for the sake of your constant whining about me "destroying" your experience on the map. You're honestly not the first person that shit like this has happened to. It's happened to me and it's happened to so many other people. The fact that you're crying this hard over $50k just describes how easily triggered you are because it doesn't take a whole day of grinding to make only $50k. If you're actually getting this affected by something like this and something like this is actually upsetting you to the point where you want to move on from the server, maybe it's better that way.

It's come to a player attempting to get a player's admin priv taken away with no evidence whatsoever. If you thought any server on csgo is full of rainbows and cotton candy, you're in the wrong place bud.

Sdragon wrote

for your own benefit when you don't even play the server ever.

Kind regards,
Player with 1700 hours on the server

-rep 'world' could just be falling so if he fell then went afk and didn't heal

-Rep I think this report is getting denied

So a couple words of advice

  • Record Proof!

Or your report will not be taken seriously and will be declined

Patrick J Fox wrote

-Rep I think this report is getting denied

So a couple words of advice

  • Record Proof!

Or your report will not be taken seriously and will be declined

Well if you looked he DID have a screenshot he added it late.

Matthew2510 wrote
Patrick J Fox wrote

-Rep I think this report is getting denied

So a couple words of advice

  • Record Proof!

Or your report will not be taken seriously and will be declined

Well if you looked he DID have a screenshot he added it late.

Those are logs

in every other report with console
they've all been denied

I meant like real proof