I am currently not going to be around much. The reason being is my mom has cancer and I need to do everything I can to support her on her 2nd fight against cancer. I would like to thank you all in advanced for any wishes or prayers you send. I'd just like all of you to know that this is my home and it has been for over a year now and i like to send a personal thanks to a few people. [member=1]myback[/member] [member=707]DeadPanda[/member] [member=68]SirRaZor[/member] @[deleted] @coal and many more that made my time here a joy. Now take in mind that i am not leaving im just , "on leave" and i do promise that I will return soon. Like i said this is my home and there for I will be making a significant donation to the server sometime this month or next.

With much love,


Family first, take care of yourself and your mother. I believe you're doing the right thing, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. Here's to her beating it again. We'll see you soon.

We totally get it man, my mom died from cancer so best of to her and you in this fight

Bye Denny make sure you take care of mini-sheckles :p
Hope the best for you and your mom

Best of luck to your mom, man. Hoping all goes well!

Denny I hope you don't lose your mom, My prayers are here for you. Take Care - Matt

Dude good luck

I hope your mother gets cured fast

a month later

Today is the day I have turned 23 years old. With many birthday wishes from friends and family. Today I received the best present I could have. As you all know my mom has been fighting cancer today while at work I got a surprise phone call from my sister baring the great new that my mom had surgery and all of the cancer has been removed I cannot be more thankful for anything other than a few exceptions. I am glad to say I should be around more often now. Thanks for all your pairs and wishes.

Denny wrote

Today is the day I have turned 23 years old. With many birthday wishes from friends and family. Today I received the best present I could have. As you all know my mom has been fighting cancer today while at work I got a surprise phone call from my sister baring the great new that my mom had surgery and all of the cancer has been removed I cannot be more thankful for anything other than a few exceptions. I am glad to say I should be around more often now. Thanks for all your pairs and wishes.

Happy birthday Denny, someone up above is watching you and has blessed your family

DENNY IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, my dog just died of cancer not to long ago (last week) and to hear that your mom made it makes me feel alot better congrats and i hope that you can spend even more time with her.