it seems like everyone is either leaving the server now or not playing often. Hopefully moonshade rp doesnt die lol :biblethump: :biblethump:

Its not that everyone is leaving, it's just people (including myself) have other things going on and sadly dont have enough time to play. We are still a community and we still are Here. there isn't anything to really worry about. Spring break is coming up so more people will have more time to play.

You need to take into consideration different time zones

for example a player named maverson was playing at 3 am when I was playing at 12 pm

We've had many so called "dead" times but like [member=997]MyySickle[/member] said, everyone has things to tend to especially since most of us are all in school.

I do reccomend inviting as many people to the server as possible though and keep in mind that the RP server is not for everyone, but don't get discouraged. 😉

The current situation is being handled to the best of our abilities,

Its about that time where a lot of people are trying to catch up on school work and have a social life at the same time. Every year around this time on most servers there aren't as many players, because they have slacked off on schoolwork for the new semester and they need to catch up. If you would notice, most people currently online are people who work at jobs, not at school. It'll even out like it always does, don't worry about it.

"bla bla bla it's the perfect time to make an excuse so I can stop being a part of this community since everyone's talking shit about it"

Better put something warm on before I shove your ass out onto the frozen wasteland where you'll freeze to death and wild polar bears eat any remains of your bodies that's left.