We are holding another 5V5 this weekend on Saturday. Comment to sign up.
Weekly 5V5.
I want to play, but I could stream too. Gah
I'm in!!
I'm up for it
no no no no don't promise you'll be there until the day of and an hour right before it starts
or else this will turn into a big mess
myback wroteno no no no don't promise you'll be there until the day of and an hour right before it starts
or else this will turn into a big mess
I'm off on saturday so I Will be there. I literally do nothing but dick around on my pooter from the time i get off work and my days off
Uhh sure
Sign me up
Me me me! Im up for it! Sign me up
Matthew2510 wroteSAMEE!!!!!!!!!!
Mathew should we reauest to be on team together? Like last time?
KingSpaghettiooz wroteMatthew2510 wroteSAMEE!!!!!!!!!!
Mathew should we reauest to be on team together? Like last time?
Teams will be randomized
myback wroteKingSpaghettiooz wroteKk thx for letting me know mykek
Matthew2510 wroteSAMEE!!!!!!!!!!
Mathew should we reauest to be on team together? Like last time?
Teams will be randomized
im in, Ill captain.
Sign me up
Count me in!
Lemme do this ill fyb
id like to might not be able to tho
Never mind, gonna go skiing on Saturday.
If it's not to late I'd like to sign up or if it's to late I'll sub