Hi I'm sheckles
I've been here for 2 years
I am a good admin
I like arma and can code arma

I'm 16
I play golf
I like computers
I built my pic
And I am really smart boy
I discovered moonshade by adding Myback because I thought his account was cool and joined because he would always play on a community server, moonshade. Some f♥g named Yamamoto (razor) gave me a tutorial

12 Sheckles A Meme wrote

Hi I'm sheckles
I've been here for 2 years
I am a good admin
I like arma and can code arma

I'm 16
I play golf
I like computers
I built my pic
And I am really smart boy
I discovered moonshade by adding Myback because I thought his account was cool and joined because he would always play on a community server, moonshade. Some f♥g named Yamamoto (razor) gave me a tutorial

I built my pic too!

Hey Sheckles, welcome to the community :kappa:

i honestly dint think anyone played golf for fun

12 Sheckles A Meme wrote

I am a good admin

No you're not.

Just kidding, you're aight.

Who's this Sheckles guy though he sounds like a loser.