Welp 700 hours on Moonshade. No life? Nah just having fun, well I used to.
Moonshade was amazing, it gave me a place to have fun after school, and it also gave me friends to meet. I owe all thanks to Moonshade for all the friends i've met on the journey. So I guess seeming im leaving we can talk about how I started kinda like Yosef.
One day I got home from school and was tired of salty nerds calling me trash in Comp, so I look at community servers. I find something called Moonshade and think, Wtf is this shit. So i join and it takes like 5 mins to download everything, but i finally get in. There was this guy who no longer plays named Meme God, He was roleplaying as a Jewish person spreading the Jewish religon. I was talking to him and it was the best time so i favorited the server to play tommorow. Get home from school the next day and there is a admin on, His name was Joker. Joker gave me a tutorial as a stripper xD and helped me find my place in the server. Then two people started talking to me, one was named Patrick J Fox and the other was name Elastic Wasteband Pat, they both gave me keys to they're house and we got alot of crime in there. Patrick hands me a gun and says "protect the door with your life, any Ct's come in blast them". At the time it was the best thing EVER. Fast foward a couple days and now alot of people know who I am I met myback who was super cool, and Sheck who i called a Arma retard once which got me my first warning which later on became a usual thing. Fast forward some more time, I meet all of the staff besides inactive ones and met some of the rich people, which were at the time Earth and Madimir. FAST FORWARD TO NOW, which what im about to say is to mean NO hate towards no one. I feel that the server isn't fun anymore, I thought that the video that made the server popular would make it fun with new players but i was fucking wrong by a mile. Alot of them broke the rules and just as much as i did. It got so bad that the new players talked over everyone not allowing old players to talk and help out. As well as at the time I didn't think the admins were doing enough which is wrong. My self got me in to trouble alot and most of my punishments I felt were unfair, but looking at what happened and what I did I see what was wrong with my actions. Anyways all I wanted to say was that Im leaving Bye guys and I hope Moonshade does the same thing to people that it did to me. (besides the whole punishment thing) :minglee: Bye guys.....