myysickle Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on recently. (For those few people that care anyway) a lot has been happening in my life recently and with Sushi leaving for the army I kinda lost a lot of motivation to play CS. Hopefully I'll be able to play but recently I've just been letting my girlfriend play rocket league and whatever other games she's wanted to play. Work has got me feeling all types of ways and not a single one of them is good. Still love the server and still want to be a part of it 🙂 Love, Savage
Black_Rabbit as far as i'm concerned you are already part of it as far as i'm concerned you are already part of it, Ill try and make the server fun every time you are on
myysickle Um excuse me deadpool, but that language hurts my feelings and my mommy said that using bad words makes my pp disappear. If thats the case, your's must be nonexistent 😉 (I love you bb)