at 3:30 today i got on roleplay as cop. I handled the crime and everything was fine. Then ''lol'' and ''emoji'' joined. They kept RDMing me and entering the PD civilian restricted area. However, them two and Peanutty Br3d kept killing me before i could kill them. I was able to jail them but then they kept killing me and cuffsawing the cuffs. This went on for a while. even when i finally cuffed emoji, lol uncuffed him. i could not VIP them because cop kills do not was not mass rdm. however they kept killing me entering the PD, uncuffing my cuffs, and unlocking the locked doors. If they are not breaking any rules, then there should be something to stop mass rdming cops and having cop kills count as VIPable.

This is honestly just Roleplay thats something that comes with cop

Live and learn, had that happen to me a lot, but it'll get easier as you get higher ranks.

You just gotta find a way to handle it. If you don't like the killing they are doing full Jack them, and if they continue to do so then continue full jailing.

huh, guess I'm blind af lol, this will heavily affect Peanutty's application for others rep'ing him. R.I.P.

Use the correct format if you're going to report someone

Denny wrote

Use the correct format if you're going to report someone

Either you misread it or didnt bother reading it at all, but no where in this post does it sayanything about a report nor does it indicate one

Denny wrote

Use the correct format if you're going to report someone

its not a report just a experience he had with them