In-Game name:Rush
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:102387023
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?
I have a microphone but I don't use it too often. I'm willing to use it if it's necessary for cop.
Days of the week you are available to play:
Usually, I'm on the server daily unless something comes up.
Current Hours In-Game on our server:
67 hours
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:
Eastern Standard Time, United States
Rules you view as most important:
I find the rules against exploiting glitches and mass rdm very significant. First, exploiting glitches is an important rule as it ruins the server. Glitches are not meant to be in the game and provide unfair advantages. It allows someone to skip all the hard work needed for something on the server and it's completely unbalanced. For example, the glitch at the pd where you can use a cuffsaw through the door. It makes the doorhack completely useless and people who bought it wasted money. It ruins the game as it clearly isn't intended, however it allows players to bypass the doors which are there for a reason. Mass rdm is something I hate. When a player decides to just start sniping everyone from a rooftop or going around spraying everyone and then gets cuffed uncuffed, it's insanely frustrating for me. They continue to kill and at times log out to avoid a vip. Rdming is allowed and I understand it's a part of the game but when someone decides to mass rdm, they usually kill players trying to make money and they especially end up killing new players. It's crucial that we nurture and protect new players because if they choose to keep playing on the server, our community grows and the server becomes much more fun when we have more players.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I want to become a cop because first, I want to change up what I do ingame. Usually, I'm just a drug dealer trying to make money for that shiny new lockpick or a better apartment but that gets repetitive at times. I even get raided at times which gets me really mad and the time I spent just gets wasted. When these events occur, I would love to switch over to cop. It's another aspect of the gamemode that I would love to enjoy. Furthermore, I tend to help out new players by protecting them when they do drug runs or teaching them how to play. As a cop, I wouldn't help them with runs but it would be much easier to teach them because when they see me as a cop, it shows that I have experience on the server and that I'm clearly suitable to help them. I believe that I should be chosen over the many other applicants because I already have a thorough understanding of how to play as a cop and the rules of the server. I've picked up information from when new recruits are being trained and I know about the commands and protocols cops have. I'm very commited to the Moonshade roleplay server and I feel that I would suit the position of cop. Thanks for reading my application 🙂