I have a bone to pick with Fox. He decided to VIP jail me for 30min for "disrespect, RDM, and leaving"
Disrespect- I had a bounty from drugs and some RDM and fox was stating "oh ima come get you" so I stated "Nah you a bitch" essentialy shit talking to make it a little more fun. Once fox broke all my 15 locks and killed me to get my bounty I was in jail. No problem thats all part of the game. Once in jail I left to go do some work about 20mins. Once i came back all i hear is patrick saying "look Sdragon is back" runs in my cell and VIP's me for 30mins. The only time I got actually rude was when i was PUT INTO VIP. that is when I called him a "f♥ggot"
RDM- As far as RDM goes I was under the impression that 10kills in 5mins = 10mins vip which i might add I was no where near! I only had a bounty due to robbing someone and killing like 3 people on my get away. once i sold the drugs i was a little under 2500 crime but once I harvested and sold my own drugs i had 2900 crime which is all part of the game!
Leaving- The only reason i left the game was because i had to take care of some work and make a call.
So in conclusion my issue is that Patrick J Fox abused his power by taking offense when all I did was play the game! I do not think what he did is right in any manner and some action should be taken agenst him. I did not appreciate being VIP'd for the first time for not even doing something major, especially since it was for 3x the time of even mass RDM.

Yalllllll need Dr. Phill :kappa:

Nazz wrote

Yalllllll need Dr. Phill :kappa:

Yall need Jesus at that.

You avoided a vip

you were disrespecting players

you were also mass rdming

I just did my job

I have personally contacted Sheckles.
And Patrick i have stated what ACTUALLY happened in the thread. As far as doing your "job" goes, you abused your powers. You did not leave me in jail for the crimes I actually commited instead you "planted" nonsense on me. and VIP'd me for way over the limit of crimes that I did not commit.

[member=1050]Sdragon[/member] Doesn't really help when there isn't proof to back up your claim. If you want to make a formal report, please go to the "Report a player" section on the forums.