Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY):4/1/17
What is the bug/glitch?When I use a bronze lockpick at the pd, what tends to happen is that I can open the first door but after certainly over a minute I try to open the next door and nothing happens. I use the lockpick and the door remains locked. Nothing appears in chat as you would expect a "You can only use this every 60 seconds" message. This continues to happen for over twenty minutes and relogging was the only way to fix it. With the doorhack, a samiliar issue occured where it was definetely past time and it was still unusable. The same probably applies to cuffsaws too.
Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch?It occurs almost every time I try to use a tool. It's not 100% but it happens more than it doesn't.
Screenshots or recorded footage showing this:I think I explained it well enough where screenshots or footage is unneccesary.
Other comments:This bug is really irritating and makes the tools basically equal to rusty unless you have the 1mil tools.
If anyone else has this issue please leave your info on it below thanks <3