Hey all, I figured I could not leave without making a few final words be shown. I would like to personally thank you all for good experiences you have provided me during my tenure. All in all it was pretty great most of the ride. And for that, I thank you all.
NOTE: I am aware I am engulfing in massive contradiction to my post by not only thanking, but also making a post. I merely do this to get some final thoughts in writing considering the recent uproar I created with my "thoughts".
I cannot take credit for the way people react to certain things, so calling my uproar effective is a wrongful statement within itself. For I didn't "make" people reply. They just did.
I stand by all of my opinions regardless and I am not enjoying that this is happening. For as much as myback has left me in a slight emotional state of indifference and spite, I can't say that I take joy in another persons pain. I mean realistically speaking, we are just numbers on the internet playing the video games and having disagreements. If anything we are no different from a 12 year old screeching that he died in CS:GO by a shotgun, we are just older and slightly more civil. Its blanketed bullshit in a sense. I will be the first to admit I am 110% guilty of that disgusting behavior. I can be irrational, I can be weak. I am not perfect god send. Regardless, myback still hurt my best friend, and while I do not enjoying seeing his pain, to a degree it is well deserved in this regard.
Regarding others that have absolute hate against myback about past shit that has left a mark, I get you and understand you. However, from what bio has described, he has almost stopped caring in a sense. I believe that, if the problem is past and you do not want association with the other party, just go somewhere else. You choose your path, don't let a singular person that wronged you control your path fully. Certainly skepticism and doubt follow a path of not fully letting the singular person guiding you, however that is a normal ideal. You make your choices and judgement in certain situations with experience, just don't base your life off of it, otherwise you will live in that same shitty hut of anger and madness. Fact of the matter is, I get you, I sympathize, but its time to find our own niches and people and stay out of the "shitty" peoples business. I quoted that to represent each perspective, it is who you believe the shitty party is. It can be anyone, irl or on here. It can be your shitty neighbor whoms dog shits on your lawn. Whatever the case may be. Lets keep it going.
Also, I see tension with SM. My two sense? If its uncopyrighted and free, I think its positive to let the community use it. Look at gmod darkrp. Thousands of servers indeed. Heres the unique thing about those servers. There may be almost a billion of them, however, everyone has found their niche. Sure others will explore other servers in a peak of interest, but most likely they will always come back to what they love. The rising fear I see is a bit over dramatic. Moonshade "should" be fine. Just make sure Moonshade maintains that fineness by not driving off its members in negative ways. Be active with your community and play with them. Not be a server sweatshop worker 24/7.
And finally, what I have to say regarding to my resignation as a whole.
I will come clean and say I was and still am very pissed about this whole situation. Until myback decides to care enough to come to me and Kitten and apologize for his behavior towards us, I see no reason to show any type of relief or forgiveness. I think a good analogy goes as follows:
A scientist wants to make a monster. He has everything in order. He gets it together and summons it. Heres the thing however, the monster isn't what he wanted. The monster holds human like qualities and ends up being the smartest thing to ever be brought to life. A walking encyclopedia of knowledge. However the scientist lost his written instructions and knowledge on the methods of re-nurturing it back into a beast. So of course, the scientist asks the monster to research. The monster is unaware of this procedure in all of his years of knowledge and reading. He looks into it and gets all this info not knowing of what he fully is to the scientist. Finally after 5 years of research the monster got it. Then the scientists screams with joy and the monster asks "Not to be rude sir, but is there any compensation to accompany this? I do not request money or anything of that sort. I believe terminology and public statements or even vocal recognition to myself would be fantastic. Apologies for my rudeness sir." The scientist says "Vocal recognition? Well you did a great job. Thanks.". The scientist leaves the room for a moment and the monster is baffled at this. The sentiment had no meaning behind it, little to no feeling in its expression, just a quick easy way to move on from the topic without realizing the dickish nature of such a move. The scientist comes back and the monster immediately questions what the hell all this research meant and what the hell it needed to be for. The scientist described how the monster was originally supposed to be a savage destructive creature, able to level a city in days. Instead he got a worse alternative. The scientist then expresses how he never had emotional feelings for this monster, and that he was merely an experiment. The monster grabbed the scientist with his brute strength and threw the scientist across the room, and stormed out never to be seen again. The scientist was baffled and crept away in the facility he worked in. He let his colleagues hide him from anyone, so he would not be seen and not have attention drawn to himself. The monster was never seen again.
The scientist is myback. The monster, is kitten.
In a sense that is how I heard everything, whether myback will agree on that word for word, not sure. There are always two sides to a story in most cases. Either way, I watched someone essentially step on a friend like he was nothing. Treat him like he was nothing. So Kitten made a great choice and left to move on. I left with him, because Kitten is a great friend. To most, I am sucking kittens dick in words, but I don't care. A true friend is there for a friend, and doesn't beat around the god damn bush. Simply put. Either way I need to sleep and I want to take this time to wish a Merry Christmas to EVERYONE. Any person I have had quarrels with, myback and even Lamar, whom I had several issues with. I say those two to set a mature example. Call bullshit on it, agree with it, I don't see a reason to care considering the ideal that your opinion is yours. But to everyone, please have a safe holiday, safe life, and myback, work on yourself and keep yourself happy to make sure you can do the same for others. I wish everyone the best wishes and have a great Christmas or whatever festivity you celebrate.
Chris AKA Vic Rattlehead AKA Vic Harrison AKA Mordecai
P.P.S. Thank you for the compliment mewn, I am sorry to have caused the strife for your community. I just cannot sit back and let things be all honkey dory. Someone has to speak out and say something, otherwise progress will never be established. Thank you. Merry Christmas.