Too many cops on guarding PD, can't break out your friend? With this easy trick, your fro will be out of jail in no time! (Only catch is your friend has to have cop lol)
Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY): 12/24/2016 (Also Christmas Eve.. .lol)
What is the bug/glitch? Let's imagine this: A player gets cuffed and jailed, and is not going to be released. In order to do this bug [size=10pt](hella ez), you simply relog into the server whilst in jail (or type "retry" in console) and press 2 on the menu that opens, and simply choose any cop rank. You will become a CT, with door prilveges, etc, and be in jail. You can open the doors of the PD and walk out into the open to be cuffsaw'ed. This is very broken and easy to do. I won't be surprised if people start doing it now [/size]
Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch? Yes it is :biblethump: ........ :biblethump: :biblethump: :biblethump:
Screenshots or recorded footage showing this: , confirm with Deadpool & Sheckles.
Other comments: I now know that a CT cannot uncuff a CT that is cuffed and in jail, lol.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! And I guess "Happy Holidays"... Also... Matthew.... lol