I am bored so I am reporting a lot of PD bugs. Some have to do with the map itself, so I am not sure how the admins would go about fixing it. Also, I thought it would be more efficient to make all of these bug reports in one forum post.

Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY): 12/22/2016 (Keep in mind that it was not discovered this date, but rather finally reported this date, don't know first time it happened to me or anyone else) - Applies to all bugs.

What is the bug/glitch?
1) Whenever a player that has been VIP jailed gets killed by either a cop or civilian, the player goes into a normal cell rather then the dedicated VIP jail. This is a problem which allows players to break out VIP jails, which is against the rules, but if people aren't ALWAYS recording and AFK'ing in the VIP cell there is almost no way to find out if someone does so.

2) Whenever a player that has been VIP jailed leaves the server and comes back, the player spawns into a normal jail cell, at least having the same time sentence. This can cause confusion, and civilians can unknowingly cuffsaw a VIP'd player.

3) Any player in a jail cell can be cuffsawed through the jail cell door, sadly including the VIP jail. This allows civilians to break out players without the use of a doorhack. This may not work with certain donator models, such as Santa and Duke Nukem, but I believe always can work with the Professional player models, Lara Craft - The whole model thing can be variable, concluded from my personal experiences. - I am not sure if this is considered a bug, but I am reporting it anyways.

4) In the current map as of 12/22/2016 on the CSGO RP server in the room that you can view all of the cells in the PD, you can use a doorhack through the glass 1-way window panel. You can also cuffsaw people from there if they get close enough (they don't have to put their hand/arm through the wall like the glitch above) cough cough, crazyninja... I am also not sure if this could be considered a glitch, but I believe so, so I am reporting it, like the 3rd glitch.

Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch? For all of these the answer is YES. Unless they all magically float away out of the world.

Screenshots or recorded footage showing this: I haven't got the time to record or screenshot all of these glitches, so I would rather y'all just ask around any old players or admins to verify that these are a thing. You can also, of course, test them out.

Other comments: If anyone has any additions, modifications, etc. that I should add, reply them and I will add them or respond to them. Also if anyone wants me to elaborate on a bug for more information, I can do so if you kindly ask.

I can confirm all are possible

Thank you for reporting all of these issues. I will get to work on resolving as many as I can today.