So I just wanted to post a few ideas, these ideas are not all mine some I have heard and discussed with others to get some input. I understand I do not know the inner workings of the plugins/server and so any input in regards to this or in general is wanted! Also this is just the first edit so it needs a lot of work, I'll edit with suggestions and correct typos in a day when I have more time.
1. Two Types of jobs
When a civilian has a job as a counterfeiter, they generally have another job as a front, so I was thinking what if we split the jobs into two types: Fronts and Crime Jobs.
This would allow a player to provide the sanitation service or be a pizza delivery man while their :xmastree:s are growing. Now whether You would be able to see the :xmastree: dealer skin needs some more thought, if you only see the front then you wouldn't know who is a dealer or a robber just by looking at them and it would be next to their name |R| |D| |H| (robber, dealer, hitman). This would change the current dynamic of shooting someone because they are a dealer and might have :xmastree: on them.
2. Lockbox
A storage option to put guns and other items into (1 per room in any house). Once house is bought the box belongs to said owner and can give keys out(y/n?). Locks can be added and removed like the standard doors. Also items in personal inventory are limited to (example only amount needs to be ironed out) 30 guns, 25 locks/lockbreakers, 50 cacti, etc) This makes storage a integral part of the server. Also this promotes the movement of items between players reducing the chance of a player quitting with 4mil worth of items and thereby damaging the economy.
4. rework of lock system
Right now any player can break any amount of locks off of any door, and they can place any amount of locks on any door. This allows players who have been playing for longer periods of time to be virtually untouchable while planting. While most players don't target those with much less than them some do, and to level the playing field slightly this has to be altered:
b[/b] A cap on the amount of locks a door can have.
b[/b] have a penalty for lockpicking the door of someone with less than 10 (or 5) hours, similar to the noob kill penalty. (maybe have the penalty be less but for every lock broken?)
b[/b] Have a tiered locking system where the number of locks divided by the highest power of 2 = how many Tiers the door has (so 100 locks = 6 tiers) . Now change the lockbreaking to temporarily break locks (maybe through the idea below) or make it so you need to only have the double the amount of lockbreakers in your inventory and then use them (and get a cooldown of say 600). They don't break and the door is 0 locks but a repair class or item can repair the door. (Saw a similar idea on the forum, it's good).
b[/b] Have a very low cap for locks (10?) and make lockpicks remove a lock, but then you have a cool down. This makes time the protection and not quantity. This would prevent a noob with 3 locks being broken into immediately.
5. Crime Alterations
5.1 Crime adjustment for pvp in Safe Zones
I think that picking cacti and replanting, then selling said picked cacti should not make you a viable target when in a bank. As such I think having the crime limit to be killed in a Safe Zones should be 1200. This would allow for a single :xmastree: run, but killing someone or doing other crime would push you into being a viable Safe Zone target.
5.2 A simple Indicator
If you have committed violent crime then you get an indicator. Whether a change in the color of a player's name or adding a |!| in front of their name. This would help a police officer determine if they should jail the player.
5.3 RDM Catching
If a simple plugin were introduced that added a purple tracer to anyone that kills 10 civilians in 5 minutes to show where they are and allow them to be VIP'd, it would really help cops, because currently they just have to witness 10 and judge the timing, so many people who are guilty go free.
6. Suicide Molly
An item that when used drops a molly on ones dead body when they die, thereby preventing the immediate pickup of whatever they were holding. Would also help deter constant backstabbing (literal).
7. Open windows
The ability to open windows to shoot out at those camping your house, but only accessable from the inside (whether this would have to be button to prevent pushing into the wall the press that side). This would make defending drugs easier.
(personally I don't think the server needs this but it is an additional feature someone mentioned so I put it here to see what \ou guys think)
Now a few adjustment Ideas:
1. Make untradeable items tradeable
Items like locks and lockbreakers are not tradeable and so they are traded via dropping, the reasoning behind this may be to keep epopel from giving other lockbreakers to keep raids from being a constant hassle (or?) but it only causes the trading of these items to be done via a more lag inducing method of drops.
2. Create a /writecheck command
There is currently a /withdraw command to allow a person to specify exactly how much they wish to withdraw, if a similar command was introduced /writecheck <amount> <#OfChecks> (if <#OfChecks> is not typed then just 1), it would allow for the same simplicity of paying people without having to ALWAYS go to the bank to just give someone 750. This would also allow not having to create a multitude of checks to pay an amount of say 1800, which currently requires (1) 1000, (1) 500, and (3) 100 checks, thereby cutting down on the amount of checks players have to carry. *Also more realistic
3. Make drugs(:xmastree🙂 tradeable
If :xmastree:s were tradeable then we could give them to people without having to be killed for them. This would also allow someone else to bring :xmastree:s from a house to a dealer while the grower continues to grow (more realistic/ more oppourtunities for interaction besides killing). If the amount of crime gained by trading was equal to say 1/4 of selling that amount then it would still generate crime for an illegal activity, although not an activity that really would be noticed, so I am not sure if it should generate crime.
4. Always on top of leader boards
Have the player themselves be the first person on the leader boards so they can always see themselves. I know this might be difficult because of crime being the current leveling of the board, but if this is somehow possible (brainstorm people!) then it would really be a useful plugin for any server. (I have never seen this on any server so I assume it hasn't been done in a successful way before.
5. Addition of Bitcoin as a way to pay for Donator/Supporter
A lot of people do not use paypal for numerous reasons ranging from their not being a legal bank and requiring data that (in the US) only legal banking institutions should be able to require (social security number etc). Also many people have to wait a week or two for trading due to not using the mobile authenticator or because they have to wait a week to trade a key they just bought.
A few things that should be added but I cannot post because it requires the forum to give their two cents first are:
1. adding a type of growth to the economy by adding skill. Now I know many people think adding skills automatically leads to the rich getting richer, this isn't true if the rewards are not faster growth or more growth, but rather things that make it easier, like getting less crime for every plant/sale etc. or other ideas (using :xmastree: dealer as an example here).
2 a way for the server to deal with ear rapees and other nuisances when no admin or cops are on.