Your In-Game name:Skittle
Admins In-Game name:Sheckles
Admins Steam ID: Forum

What server did this happen on? Forum

What rules did the admin break? He moved a valid report I made to the trash.

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any

Other comments: Plus, he locks every damn topic he replies to. No one has a chance to defend themselves or anything...

Meh, i admitted to it and accepted responsibility for the actions. but tbh nothing is going to happen to him.

Denny wrote

Meh, i admitted to it and accepted responsibility for the actions. but tbh nothing is going to happen to him.

He moved my valid report to the Trash section... lmao.

I'd like for that to be unlocked and moved back to player reports and then be reviewed at y'all's meeting.

Skittle wrote
Denny wrote

Meh, i admitted to it and accepted responsibility for the actions. but tbh nothing is going to happen to him.

He moved my valid report to the Trash section... lmao.

I'd like for that to be unlocked and moved back to player reports and then be reviewed at y'all's meeting.

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tell myback>!

im sorry that i went through with the terms of the rule
Do not post joke reports,we take things seriously and your topic will be removed.
and yes it was removed.

12 Sheckles A Meme wrote

im sorry that i went through with the terms of the rule
Do not post joke reports,we take things seriously and your topic will be removed.
and yes it was removed.

Sorry bud, but my report on DennyB was not a joke report. So wanna move that out of the damn trash, unlock it, and review it like a normal report?


Sheckles you don't even know if it were a joke report or not you need valid evidence to make a claim like that

I'm not doing it, have someone else do it so I'm not abusing my power for a report that results in a warn, and Denny clearly shows his apologies.

And dead pool did already handle the joke report by denying it.

Patrick J Fox wrote

Sheckles you don't even know if it were a joke report or not you need valid evidence to make a claim like that

Dead pool closed the original report.

you may have proof but nothing will happen..

Looks like a joke report to me. Reports that are trash will be taken care of by an admin, you don't need to make another report to show us that. I love you skittle man, but come on...