In-game name: Artameful
Age: 13 3/4
Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:839766
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it: Yes, but it depends on the mood of others. Do they want to hear a thirteen year old boy talk on a mic, or do they not?
Days of the week are you available to play: When i feel like it. (almost every day)
Hours In-game: 18
Time Zone: Chicago's Time Zone
Experience: I have played some other Role Play servers, (some of you may know syle) And feel like i have grown quite attached to this particular server.(edit)Have read over the rules and occasionally enforced the cop's rules.
Rules you view as most important: All rules are there for a reason
Why we should pick you over the applicants:You shouldn't pick me over the applicants, some of you already stated that every person has an equal chance to become a cop. Therefore, said chance should be equal.