In-Game name: Zeus
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173021014
Age: 20 years old.
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, i have a microphone and I use it 95% of the time to communicate within the server. I believe that a microphone is essential for a cop on a roleplay server because with the right tone, speech is without a doubt the best way to deliver orders and commands with minimal confusion.
Days of the week you are available to play: Ever since I started on this server, I haven't missed a single day. In the future, I will continue being as active as I am now until January, which then I will began college. From January and so forth, I will adjust my schedule accordingly in order to balance between school assignments and work.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: I currently have 55 active hours in this game. I personally feel that just because you have 30 hours doesn't mean you have the requirements to apply (Especially, if leaving your computer on for a whole day will earn you 24 hours). Hence, why I waited until I understood 90% of the duties of a cop on this server before I applied. I believe that if I'm approved, with the right training, I will fully understand the role of a cop on this server, and begin enforcing and setting new standards for what's right and what's wrong.
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Pacific Time Zone (UTC?8) British Columbia, Canada. If you believe what time zone I'm in determines when I'm generally online, let me correct you. I'm currently working at the clubs right now, therefore I have night/graveyard shifts. Meaning, I'm likely the few North American's online during this time. I get off work at around 3:00 am, and I'm usually online from then. I feel that this is a plus to my application because of the fact that it gets very chaotic at this time. Without any cops on during this time, and as a result of the new day in the European time zones we get roughly 15 players online, and things can get out of hand.
Rules you view as most important: I personally feel that respect is the most important rule on this server. I do understand that a lot of us can unintentionally let our emotions get the best of us, and profanity may be used to express feelings, but as long as it's not directed towards a group/individual, i believe, it's within the lines. But if one is intentionally using explicit language to direct inappropriate comments towards a group/individual by use of racism/gender/sexuality/etc - to me, that is defiantly crossing the line, and breaking the rule I feel is most important. As for rules regarding policing, I believe that integrity is the most important rule here. I feel like a lot of new players may view the cops as role models. As a cop, it is your job to avoid being bias and/or corrupt by doing what's ethically correct. Don't get me wrong, most of the current police are doing a great job at keeping this fair. By doing so will create a positive image on to both new and veteran players on this server. As for RDMing, I personally don't really have anything against it. Before you start judging, hear me out. RDMing on this server isn't really a rule on this server. Yes, it is frowned upon, but it's also the police's job to control this. I understand that it may be stressful trying to control 15 people alone, but it is your job. Stress can lead to flaws, but you signed up for the role, so it's your job to control this behavior if it happens.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I mainly want to be a cop on this server because I really want to set new standards for what a cop should be like on this role play server. I want to set this new standards and enforce them so that everyone can have a good time whether your a cop or a criminal. As long as everyone is being treated equal, and as long as everyone is staying within the lines by abiding to the rules. Another reason I want to become a cop on this server, is because that is what i'm trying to pursue in real life. If I am approved, it will certainly give me an opportunity to test my skills to prepare me for when i want to continue this career path. As for why you should choose me over other applicants, I believe there are many reasons. First, being the fact that I am currently working security at major music events/festivals and clubs. I believe I can try something new by implementing my security skills/tactics (crowd control, handling altercations, etc) into this game. Secondly, I have some experience in real life with law enforcement. I have been involved in many policing programs, (images of certificates: that further expand my skills. I also managed to receive recognition as a result of my passion and interest for law enforcement, being the recipient of a policing scholarship (image of that: Lastly, I feel like my personality is something different and I feel that by approving me, I will defiantly add some originality to the police team.