[font=Myriad Pro]On December 12th, 2014, a few people had a simple dream: To create a community that can provide excellence to its players, have player-involvement, and be self-sustaining. The next month, January 2015, MoonShade Gaming was born.
Today we're introducing: Community pride month. That's simply what it is. Nothing more, nothing less. The point of this month is we as a community need to come together and appreciate what we have, being a part of MoonShade Gaming, recognizing the patriotism of what it means to be a member. Ashamed to be a part of MoonShade? WAKE UP!! Look at how much we have to offer and be glad you're a part of us!
That being said, we will be settling our differences aside and celebrate our accomplishments as a community. This month will be awesome! We have so much planned to celebrate including community member achievement recognition, tons of events and celebrations, and much more!
We're kicking the month with the double drop week! Make sure to play on our servers as much as you can for the next seven or so days!
Here's some Achievements to Celebrate:
- Our upcoming two-year anniversary
- Successful partnership for one and a half years & counting
- Standing out ground against all odds during several moments of empty hope
- Continuous new content & excellence provided by the hard-working staff
- Constant bug-squashing with our branded Jamal sauce
- Maintaining an active & outgoing community since the beggining [/SIZE]
[php]<div id="cf"><img class="bottom" src="/images/msglogoclassic_color.jpg" height="512" width="512"/><img class="top" src="/images/msglogoclassic_blackwhite.jpg" height="512" width="512" /></div><head><style>#cf { } #cf img { position:absolute; right: 20%; - -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out; -o-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out; transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;}#cf img.top:hover {opacity:0;}</style></head>[/php]
Participate in the Secret Santa Event:
- Begins roughly on December 22nd on 12:00 PM EST; time and date subject to change
Have Some Festive Smileys:
- :gift: 
- :snowmanlol:

- :xmastree:

- :rudolph:

- :santa:

- :candycane:

- :festivechicken:

- :stocking:
A Big Thank you to:
- Kitten for Rent / Sombra Kitten: Your many suggestions we make sure to always take to heart, whether they're impossible to do or not. We want to provide this opportunity to thank you very much for your nearly twenty months subscribing as a MoonShade Supporter.
King of KFC Jamal: It's amazing to see and gaze upon all the work you've done for us. Creating the Donation & CallAdmin bots and sacrificing his precious time and GSLT for us back in 2015 and January of 2016. Oh and introducing Earth, one of the most dedicated members of the community, to us back in Fall of 2015.
Jon(izal): Providing the best server hosting deals I've seen in my life. We'll gladly pay a big price during your times of economic disparity.
Deadpool: Your dedication to MSG can be described by your contributions - Immense and diverse. From helping restore the economy in our roleplay server back in April to becoming the monthly website-donor. Thanks a bunch, pal. Check out his new custom liscense plates dedicated to MoonShade!
Sheckles: Taking over as forum moderator after S0ul left us back in 2015 has been a huge helping hand. Thank you for that and all you've done so far, including some of our Google Forms we've made including the recent Secret Santa Sign-up form as well as the community suggestion form from back in September.
Skittle, Vul-pez aka Inspector Javert aka Ender, BOT Thunder, and Earth: Your contributions to the Summer Fundraiser of 2016 were priceless and its helped us reach out for better security.
Kyle aka dubstep_kicks: Despite your failure to abide by Valve's rules and getting Deadpool GSLT banned for two weeks, we really appreciate your services towards MoonShade - the Surf:RPG, 5v5 Competitive, and so on have been valuable opportunities and additions to the community.[/SIZE][/font]
[font=Myriad Pro]Enough said, now go and celebrate![/font]