Your In-Game name: Zeus
Offenders In-Game name: XMetnanor
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:136800060
What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server
What rules did the offender break? Favoritism - Giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another. Failure to handle the situation correctly as a veteran member of the police. The member should probably know the rules by now. There was a raid on the Police Department organized by a bunch of the Terrorist sides. We went there trying to take over the Police Department knowing that we were going to be killed as soon as we crossed the line towards the jail cells. XMetnanor, the only one who was a CT during this time, was killing each and everyone one of us in sight. There is nothing wrong with that because we are in the jail cell area, potentially letting out the criminals in cells free. What happened next, was not right, and should have consequences. A player by the name of "Yosef", joined the server. He was assisting XMetnanor in defending the jail cell. Again, nothing wrong yet, but I believe all Terrorists have equal rights, and it doesn't matter if "Yosef" is helping XMetnanor or not, as soon as he crosses that line into the jail cell. He must be shot down too. In which case, it never happened. Keep in mind, Yosef was never given jail time for slaughtering us either. Clear intent shown in the end of the video. I do not think he is fit for the policing position. Member should be revoked from the police force.
Rude comments and racist and homophobic terms were also used.
We need to stop the police corruption within the Moonshade community!
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: Yes, I have video evidence in the following attached links. Video is captured during my stream.
Video currently being uploaded to YouTube. Will edit post when successfully uploaded.