Your In-Game name: ? Angel ?
Offenders In-Game name: Zeus
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173021014
What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server
What rules did the offender break?
Rule 1: Respect all players.
Rule 2: Mass RDMing is NOT allowed.
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: No screenshots/recording, but I have eyewitnesses.
Eyewitness 1: Strillex -
Eyewitness 2: Yosef -
Other Comments: Zeus has been RDMing me nonstop for two days straight because I killed him ONCE. Not only this, he is also being very disrespectful towards me. While trying to evade Zeus, he has constantly referred to me as 'bitch', 'slut' and other derogatory words. He has also chased me around the map, referring to the chase as watching an animal on Discovery channel, even describing me as some sort of horrid beast, things like "In her natural habitat Angel in the jungle", things of this sort. I do not feel comfortable playing on MoonShade while Zeus is torturing me like some sort of science experiment. When I was in jail, Zeus would come up to my cell and taunt me, even killing me over and over while I was in the cells. He first didn't know if I would be let go if I was killed, but cheered as he realised I stayed in my cell. I honestly do not believe that this sort of behaviour is or should be tolerated on the MoonShade servers and I hope that action will be taken to get Zeus to stop harrassing me.
Thank you for reading my report.
Best Regards,