Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY): 11/25/16 (Even earlier just can't remember)
What is the bug/glitch? As a cop, you will lose access (keys) to the PD doors. You can't do anything because you can't lockpick the doors as CT, so you have to switch or just wait.
Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch? I do not know because I believe it is a random chance of the glitch happening to someone, may be not random though, you never know! DUN DUN DUN....
Screenshots or recorded footage showing this: (IDK if this has happened to other people, if so then please comment. Happens a lot to me)
Other comments: I feel as if this glitch MAY be caused whenever you switch your cop rank to Undercover Cop, I think that most of the time this happens I am Undercover Cop. This has happened to me as SWAT before so it is not a one rank specific glitch.