Your In-Game name: ps1210

Offenders In-Game name:SpookyS

Offenders Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:181548895

What server did this happen on? roleplay server

What rules did the offender break? Favoritizm as cop and Cop Rdm

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: (all 3 videos)

Other Comments: please look at all three videos for the proof

+rep in one of the videos there is cop rdm

expect a warning at most

I doubt he loses his cop

Patrick J Fox wrote

+rep in one of the videos there is cop rdm

expect a warning at most

I doubt he loses his cop

Two of the videos

+rep shitty cop killed me once ;(

SPOOKY wrote

+rep shitty cop killed me once ;(

Watch out bois we got ourselves a troll here. Videos basically shows what he did and, according to this post, he doesn't seem to care

SPOOKY wrote

+rep shitty cop killed me once ;(

Good job keeping your post serious
Will play in the decision made.

4 days later

+rep 1) he obviously doesn't care about cop or even the server sometimes
2) how the hell does he still have cop, I thought he lost it a long ass time ago like he should have IMO.
3) watched videos, bad cop overall. he couldnt give 2 shits if he loses cop anyways.

13 days later
6 days later

[font=impact]Report accepted: Cop warning : retraining required before going cop again[/font]