Patrick J Fox wrote
Joey wrote
The problem is not admin inactivity, its people constantly complaining
Well that's life joey even you complain
i'd be lying if I said somethings didn't need to be fixed
These things arint really important thought
You're right, even I complain, but I don't ceaselessly come on the forums, complain, whine, and cry about this thing and that thing. Its funny how the people who say admins are "abusive" or "inactive" are the ones who say they want admin.
Matthew2510 wrote
myback wrote
Joey wrote
The problem is not admin inactivity, its people constantly complaining
It seems complaining is the only thing that gets people to do at least something, once the whole server starts crying then something happenes, but until then nothing happenes.
Cool story my dude. Right now you can ask the entire server what they want, and they'll give you an answer. For example, lets use the controversy of locks. I'm sure if you asked the people of the server right now, at least 80% of them want locks (probably more). Now you can come on the forums and pitch a fit but what has that done? In fact, the whining of locks has delayed the re-addition of locks. So no, complaining is not the way to get someone to do something in favor of you opinion.
Instead of bickering, why don't you write a detailed and educated explanation of what you may want. Instead of saying "Server is dead, admins are inactive, locks need to be added, Sheckles needs to be lynched, job ranking needs to be added", why don't you show the pros and cons of what you're trying to pus forward. Make sure they are reasonable and realize that sometimes the cons do outweigh the pros. You don't need to complain about every small incy tincy tiny thing that is going on. So some admins are inactive, WHO CARES? you say Well I care, but why? Can you give a good reason? If you need a admin, 9 times out of 10 there is one on teamspeak ready to be called. YEs sometimes theyre busy, theyre human too. Its funny because you guys complain that the server is "dying" and players are quitting, but so far every person who has quit withing the past few weeks have said they stopped playing because of the constant whining.
So, do us all a favor, and
Shut Up
its one thing to let your voice be heard, its another to shove it down somebodies throat