In-Game name: TriDenT
Steam ID:STEAM_1:0:79668688
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, I am willing and will use it.
Days of the week you are available to play: All
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 50
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: EST USA
Rules you view as most important:I feel that respecting all players an important part in a community. But also when people disrespect other they hurt others and themselves.But also people feelthe need to disrespect others behind the protection of a computer screen but they need to realize there is another human being behind it.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
You should pick me over the other applicants because I am a long time member of moonshade I’ve played since City45 until my entire inventory/balance/hours got reset
when we switched to westfield the first time (Reference Thiefz). I’ve also have read through the rule at least 3 times in preparation for this application. But also I am planning to get rid of RDM, disrespect, and discrimination. But when you look at my peer's application they mainly focus on non-RDM which is very general
Im Hoping you take my application into consideration and have a great day.