In-Game name:[B.C.] TheWiseRanger Spirit .tf
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:120689703
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I am willing to use my mic
Days of the week you are available to play I'm able to play all on all the days of the week on weekdays i come home from 4:30 to 5:00
Current Hours In-Game on our server 35 Hours +
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:My Timezone Is Pacific Time and my location is San Diego In California
Rules you view as most important:I find that rdm should be allowed only on some occasions like the purge,etc. Also respect is a important aspect on the server if a player can respect someone than respect the entire server at the same time all is good for player respecting admins are also a important thing who do you think keeps the server in shape and keeps the server going and alive (proberly the owner) But admins keep the server alive and well. Another rule I view as most important is mic spamming when your just having a fun old time on the server and then your ears gets blasted by some guy/girl spamming in the mic what if that player is new and doesn't know how to mute the person clientside or a admin isn't on to mute them.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I could help new comers if they ask for help or I'll help them automatically. Also if i become cop I want to see how high I can progress through the ranks. I love this server even though I been on the server for 36+ hours this is my go to server when I get banned from comp or I'm just downright bored. I read the rules of being a cop and I am sure I got what it takes to become a cop.
Sincerely TheWiseRanger