Madimir I understand how matt abused /votemute why didn't you remove it from him compared to removing it from everyone that has it now if admins are afk you can mic spam with no repercussions such as requis and wavy are doing as I type this but no one can do any thing about it other than /sm (witch not everyone knows how to do) just don't give matt /votemute or /votegag
crazyninja I agree with Madimir, I just had to listen to cancer , and some of the new players do not know how to use /sm, so we need votemute back.
Madimir MattSriel wrote So then TELL ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE COMPLAINING THE COMMAND some of them don't understand what it does (you can go fuck yourself for getting it removed in the first place)
MattSriel Madimir wrote MattSriel wrote So then TELL ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE COMPLAINING THE COMMAND some of them don't understand what it does (you can go fuck yourself for getting it removed in the first place) Triggered lmao
Sheckles MrCrocker wrote FUCKING USE /SILENCE THATS IN THE GAME TO MUTE AND GAG THERE Thats an admin command. Madimir wrote MattSriel wrote So then TELL ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE COMPLAINING THE COMMAND some of them don't understand what it does (you can go fuck yourself for getting it removed in the first place) Wasnt just matt, myback decided on it when it became a problematic command for trolling and misuse, (trying to mute people in music voice room)
MrCrocker Sheckles | GET BEANED wrote MrCrocker wrote FUCKING USE /SILENCE THATS IN THE GAME TO MUTE AND GAG THERE Thats an admin command. Madimir wrote MattSriel wrote So then TELL ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE COMPLAINING THE COMMAND some of them don't understand what it does (you can go fuck yourself for getting it removed in the first place) Wasnt just matt, myback decided on it when it became a problematic command for trolling and misuse, (trying to mute people in music voice room) I mean /votesilence nerd
myback Two choices: Votegag and votemute for supporters, abusers get banned. Alternatives to ban could be revocation of supporter privileges or a zero in the bank. No votegag/votemute for supporters and nobody gets banned.
Skittle myback wrote Two choices: Votegag and votemute for supporters, abusers get banned. Alternatives to ban could be revocation of supporter privileges or a zero in the bank. No votegag/votemute for supporters and nobody gets banned. One, since people who abuse it need to be banned anyways.
Sheckles myback wrote Two choices: Votegag and votemute for supporters, abusers get banned. Alternatives to ban could be revocation of supporter privileges or a zero in the bank. No votegag/votemute for supporters and nobody gets banned. One because supporters would enjoy it, but we would need to document terms of donations so people dont complain when their supporter gets pulled and ask for refund/charge back