Skittle 64 tick on Jailbreak, it would make it a lot less laggy (mostly while doing climb minigames, or just walking in general)
myback Sheckles | GET BEANED wrote 64tick autobhop plss Saeko's not gonna let us use autobhop, let alone he thinks we still have a bhop assist.
saeko Earth wrote No autobhop or bhop assist! It ruins the game. I agree with earth, that's what I've been trying to tell you myback
CoalWorker Just my thoughts. 64 tick is just fine, no real need for 128. [size=18pt]We need a forum post stating all rules and how jailbreak works. [size=18pt]Personally I think there should only be 1 LR Prisoner. [size=18pt]Removal of b-hop assist would be best in the long run. Makes it too easy to kill a CT. [size=18pt]A 1:2 CT:T Ratio is appropriate, because in a jb server I played in, it worked great! [size=18pt]I think this should be stated more clearly. As last CT you should be able to kill all T's. (You're trying to survive). [size=18pt]Of course a lot more rules should be better stated. I think a meeting of sorts to discuss all rules would be best!
Madimir CoalWorker wrote Just my thoughts. 64 tick is just fine, no real need for 128. [size=18pt]We need a forum post stating all rules and how jailbreak works. [size=18pt]Personally I think there should only be 1 LR Prisoner. [size=18pt]Removal of b-hop assist would be best in the long run. Makes it too easy to kill a CT. [size=18pt]A 1:2 CT:T Ratio is appropriate, because in a jb server I played in, it worked great! [size=18pt]I think this should be stated more clearly. As last CT you should be able to kill all T's. (You're trying to survive). [size=18pt]Of course a lot more rules should be better stated. I think a meeting of sorts to discuss all rules would be best! I think this should be stated more clearly. As last CT you should be able to kill all T's. (You're trying to survive) all but 2 imo to keep that 1:2 ratio
Skittle MrCrocker wrote if u use bhop assist or auto bhop it ruins the game make it 102.4 tick its way better Please don't.
Sheckles Skittle wrote MrCrocker wrote if u use bhop assist or auto bhop it ruins the game make it 102.4 tick its way better Please don't. 85% Sure myback made it 64tick no bhop assist