Bread I suggest that we add server stats such as hours/income/wallet/bank to forums profile, so like you can click on your profile and it shows your current stats on the server. This would help me cause I go afk and I can hop on my phone and check the forums and see how much money I have made over the day/night afk. It could be made where you can only view your stats or others stats. Plis add :3, Bread
Earth Teamviewer is free on Android now, just teamview into your PC and check your printers during school that way 😉
Bread Earth wrote Teamviewer is free on Android now, just teamview into your PC and check your printers during school that way 😉 I've used teamviewer before and for me it showed such a high quality 4 pixel view of my monitor, in other words it sucks for me
myback No can do, like Sheckles said: Wayyyy too difficult for me and resource-exhaustive for this little shared webhost. Sorry Bread :smorc:
Bread myback wrote No can do, like Sheckles said: Wayyyy too difficult for me and resource-exhaustive for this little shared webhost. Sorry Bread :smorc: Time to cry :biblethump:
Madimir Earth wrote Teamviewer is free on Android now, just teamview into your PC and check your printers during school that way 😉 couldn't get it to walk around or look up
Sheckles How i do drugs while doing homework Splashtop for android Making drug binds Let it grow, sit on the drugs in a corner, press e to collect,(may need to press like 7-15 times) then press bind to plant Profit