Alot of this revolved around the admin meetings weve had the past two weeks. I know you want me and saeko removed, but that doesnt mean you need to remove us, you haven't tried once to talk to me about being inactive, you kust bitched about it in the admin meetings, never once did tou tell me that i needed to play more otherwise my position is at risk. Myback is the only person who randomly messages me ans actually cares about my contributions and the overall view of the admin team. Playing is not the only form of contribution to moonshade. Myback actually cared and talked to me at one point where nobody would message me or talk to me. You didnt even try to message me about my status and activity here. Myback cares about everything as a whole. His reasoning for keeping me was because of my experience here and when i actually am on, im the enforcer, robo-cop.
Jamal, weve had some fun times together and i wont ever forget you, even though you dislike me, at the end of the day i see you as my friend