In-Game name:CoalWorker
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:56659844

I would like to receive the police job of Chief Of Police. I qualify for all requirements. Picture for proof below. I am aware it must be voted on. Put votes below.

I am aware it is up to the admins to mainly vote on it, but I would like to just make a post of it.

Sorry 4 bein a noob but
dafuk is cheif of police? Is it like the head policeman, if it is I say nono Underwater shud but if its likea rank that every1 can get for being a nolife on cop then sure coal ur a cool guy

Density wrote

I don't see a picture.

It's an attachment. I see it. Why not you?
Maybe reload the page?

Is it time for me to apply too???

I want to be chief of police

Admins are already above chief of police, lets just leave that role open strictly for the players.


You have the best chance of receiving Chief of Police compared to the other players. Almost every time I see you, you're a cop. Unlike the many who just give up on cop and start planting for the money, you have what it takes. Chief of Police will be yours, but we must see further reception, and I don't mean replies like these:

MattSriel wrote


Bread In A Toaster wrote

+rep YESH!

Ünder?ater$quAd wrote

Is it time for me to apply too???

Have no fear, Sheckles is here wrote

I want to be chief of police

Garbo replies everywhere. Stop with the one-word votes, explain your rationale or else your opinion is worth nothing. Thank you for (sortof) ending the terrible streak, Density.

+Rep I haven't heard anything bad about you as a cop, an seeing as though you've sparked some friendly competition, you obviously have something going for you as far as reputation. I've known of you as a player/cop long enough to know you're more of a cop then civilian. No one wants a leader who hasn't put in the work in the same field they deal with, which is what sets you apart from the others.

+Rep, seeing how I became Chief of Police back in 2013 of Chaos Crew, Coalworker is a hard, dedicating cop than I seen in years of Roleplay, or even myself I must add. He almost 24/7 as cop when other just sit there, not wanting to be their cop position they applied for. As for the other who wants to be chief of police in the future, you should learn from CoalWorker, as he respectfully represents the police team as whole.

+Rep Of all people I know on the server you're almost always cop unlike some cops you don't abuse from what I have seen you're a generally a non toxic player
and are active on the server If anyone deserves this rank you do!

MattSriel wrote

Thats my dad!!!!

Watch Jamal delete that post.

myback wrote
MattSriel wrote

Thats my dad!!!!

Watch Jamal delete that post.


CoalWorker wrote
myback wrote
MattSriel wrote

Thats my dad!!!!

Watch Jamal delete that post.
