I would post a really long and complicated thread with reasons to support allowing admins, but it would end up getting deleted by myback or edited by someone, oh well...
Edit: I am going to leave the top part there, but i actually will do a paragraph or 2.
First off, what server actually does not allow applications? The servers myback and I and jamal came from all had admin applications, same with density, in fact density applied to one of mybacks old servers (which is no longer active). Myback and I both applied on the same server, with me applying a year before him, to a server called Area 51. This is where myback and I met, i stayed admin there for 3 years 2011 to 2014, and eventually resigned due to drama within the admin community, Myback stayed for a little while longer, maybe 4 years, While i was admin on Area 51 i learned a lot from the owners, how they run there servers in a strict manner with a decent amount of slack, when i see moonshade i see lack of strictness and all slack, keep in mind the slack i am talking about is not laziness it is less than 5 percent do their job, which is indeed admining. While 5% is an astonishing number and sounds somewhat great, in reality i would say 60% of players have problems atleast once a week, leaving the 5% of admins who play and deserve it to deal with the slack of other admins. Jamal and Razor definitely help out a lot. both of them need to since they are some of the highest ranking admins, Earth plays a lot and also contributes to the fire of the 5% as far as everyone else, i see them help maybe once every 2 weeks, this is considered slack.
I personally left the admin community of moonshade through removal of admin, AKA getting my admin forcibly removed by getting uberkist upset which he then called a vote for my removal, turns out uberkist was the shittiest admin i have seen, i got a lot of the people on the admin team their position, it probably excludes 4 or 5 but the rest definitely had my input handed directly to myback. A lot of my picks are either inactive now, or just quit due to the same reason i left, because of all the bullshit that goes on in the admin team. I thank the people who actually do suppress issues of petty squabble. Earth, Razor, Jamal by far are the ones i most thank.
So i typed all that to say the admin team is shit, they complain a lot, argue, generally do not know how to go about punishment, so if you still want to be apart of that go ahead, be my guest, leave like the others, it just makes room for new members for moonshade.