In-game name😐Madimir Putin|
Server you were blacklisted on: Roleplay
Who blacklisted you:Biscuit093? | ????????
Reason for blacklist: I spelt my name with cookies. ("Putin" not Madimir)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:149926616
Reason you think you should be unblacklisted: I didn't know that joker and kitten got blacklisted so I figured as long as I pick them up nothing bad could happen and nothing could go wrong I mad shure not to spam I put 1 box down every 5-10 seconds to avoid lag or frame drop upon gittingg the screnshot I picked them up.
(Biscuit came and saw me picking them up and read the name "Putir" and rightfully assumed it was me)
Evidence to support claim (if any):in my screenshot I counted 72-75 boxes more money is dropped when some one kills 13 cops that have $37 in there pocket I counted 85 coins (penny's and nickels) on a path from earths house to the top of pd. (not including bills knives nades or guns)
Thank you for your consideration
Sincerely: |Madimir Putin|