In-game name: TecNodRom
Age: 16
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105190217
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it: Yes
Days of the week are you available to play: All Days Of The Week
Hours In-game: 15
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Experience: I have been admin on DarkRP Reloaded in GMOD. It was ranked #2 in DarkRP Servers untin the owner (Shadowzack) decided to not allow rankings anymore. I was also an admin in GameTechBrothers DarkRP Server. It was not as popular but still had 10-20 players at a time.
Rules you view as most important: Repeatedly killing new players. I abosolutely do not like the fact some people just like killing new players. They just want to get the hang of playing on a LiteRP server. Whenever I can I give them tutorials and protect them from people who like killing them for the heck of it.
Why we should pick you over the applicants: I have lots of experience having powers above other players in DarkRP. I have gotten 208 Hours playing DarkRP in two weeks. So you can say I am extremely active. I almost never get angry unless you bully other players or repeatedly and intentionally try to annoy me. I am easy going and know the rules.