In-game name: ??????
Age: 15
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58845898
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it:
I have a microphone which is not working but I am getting a new one soon and I will be willing to use it.
Days of the week are you available to play:
I will probably play on it as much as possible but I have exams currently soon so maybe not as much.
Hours In-game: 19
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time
I have no experience as a cop as this is the very first RP server I have been on but I have a friend that is a cop called spicy on the server and he has taught me a few things.
Rules you view as most important:
800+ cuff and the rdm rule
Why we should pick you over the applicants:
I would happily offer anyone if they want a tutorial and I will always try and welcome everyone. I am nice, patient and trustworthy. lots of people do know me on the server and I would try and make anyone's experience on the server fair and also fun.