BOT Thunder wrote
The people who get there skins picked get hella money. Keep trying 🙂 Try with a less used gun and dont make it to flashy. Then work your way up to more used guns. When you do this and you make the 40k+ I want a cut! XP
I understand that there's quite a big market behind skins however I will never do things I don't enjoy doing, this is why I want to be a game developer, specifically an environmental artist. This is something I love and enjoy doing and will never get bored of due to it being new each time. You literally can create anything you want. With weapon skins, I love making graphics, don't get me wrong however... I'm not as free to do what I want, I'm constrainted to the space I'm given, the weapon UV map. 😛
Thanks for all the nice feedback, I'll be updating the beach more often and post some screenshots over here soon. 😃