In-Game name: CheeseBurgers
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:157384100
Age: 14
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? yes i have a mic and yes i will be using it.
Days of the week you are available to play: I can play any days of the week.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 30, (I couldn't see my name on the scorebaord but, i know i have over 30 hours)
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: PST
Rules you view as most important: No RDM, no abusing cop, don't break any rules.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I want to become cop because I want to experience a new side of the Roleplay server. I think I would be a good cop because i'm active in the Roleplay server and can be a cop whenever there is none active, be a cop whenever cops aren't online and mke the server better and more fun for players to enjoy.