These methods below will explain how you can make money online & level up your Steam account!
Before I start this topic, these are actually legit ways to make money. No scam or anything. All the links used in the topic are safe as well.
Although the money you earn from these methods aren't life changing sums, this will definitely help you buy some cheap CS:GO skins, level up your Steam account or allow you to cash-out and buy whatever you want.
With ADFly you're able to earn money by using their URL shortening service.
All you have to do is set up a new account on ADFly using my refer link:
This refer link will give me a kickback whenever you guys make money, this is the least you can do to show gratitude for showing these methods.
You will see my use these links throughout the topic, if you did use my links, thank you so much in advance!
Everyday, most of you share links, either it being about games, articles, screenshots or whatever. However why not take the 2 seconds and shorten the URL and earn a bit of money along side with it? In my case, each click a link of mine, earns me $0.002 cents, yes, you may think this is a joke or something however over time this will eventually stack up. Even though this is not a lot of money we're talking about, if you continuously share ADFly links with your friends you will eventually make enough money to buy a game or level up your Steam account.
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Warning #1: ADFly links WON'T work on the Steam Platform. In chat, profiles, guides. All links will be removed.
Method #2 - DLH Giveaways
Over at DLH, they make giveaways once in a while giving out free Steam games.
By going over to this link:
You will be able to set up an account on their website and get a few free Steam keys that when activated, give you games obviously.
Make sure to use a spam email account when signing up.
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Method #3 - Reddit Giveaways
Over at Reddit Giveaways, there are free Steam games that are given out daily!
Here are two great and trusted SubReddit's.
SubReddit #1:
SubReddit #2:
Pretty much most of the games that are given out on those SubReddit's use a website called
So when using that website make sure to link up your Email, Youtube, Twitter, Twitch and Steam accounts for faster results. Meaning you won't have to click as much if you didn't link them.
I also suggest using spam accounts for those.
After completing all the entries for one of the giveaways, you will be prompted with a Steam key that can be activated or sold using Method #4.
Almost all of these giveaway's are GUARANTEED Steam keys, this means that you will be given a Steam key, this is a giveaway with a limited amount of keys that are given out and not a chance based giveaway, meaning you only have a small fraction of winning these games.
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Warning #1: Some giveaways will have duplicate keys given out (Meaning that, the key that has been given to you has already been given away to someone else and has been used. Do not worry, this will happen from time to time, the fault is at the giveaway's creator).
Warning #2: Some giveaways will have impossible entries (Meaning that certain Steam groups that you have to join to get an entry will be impossible to join.)
If you come across any of these warnings during the giveaways, I suggest skipping this giveaway.
Warning #3: Most of these giveaways will only be up for around 24 hours, so get those keys while you can.
Method #4 - G2A, Steam Trading Cards or Your Own Giveaways!
Method 4 is the step where you decide what you want to do with the obtained Steam keys. However I will guide you on what you want to do with these and why you should to these steps.
From the steps above, you have a couple of ways of getting Steam keys. With these Steam keys you have a few choice of what you want to do with them.
Choice #1 - Steam Trading Cards & Steam Levels
In this first choice what you do with the Steam key is simply activate it on your Steam account. By doing this you will gain XP for activating it and it will add a +1 game to the Steam Library Count Badge.
Before using these methods, my Steam Account was level 15.
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Some of the Steam keys you obtain for free games will come with Steam Trading Cards. This is a simple way to make some money on Steam, once you activate the game, all you want to do is download & install it and then run it in the background. I also suggest using the lowest possible settings for the games so that it won't eat up your CPU/GPU/RAM while in the background
Most of the games that come with Steam Trading Cards will require you to play ATLEAST 2 hours before cards start dropping. This is a method put in by Steam to prevent the refund fraud and no you cannot refund these free games. Just saying, I tried.
Once you obtain all the cards from that particular game you can then uninstall it or even play it if you really want to. You can check on your Steam Card progress over at the Badges section of your Steam profile.
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Certain giveaways over at the SubReddit's will repeat themselves, meaning that the same games will be given out again at a later date. This is your chance to sell these Steam Keys over at G2A. Since you already have this game on Steam and you cannot activate it again. Your only way of making some profit with it is to sell it or give it away (Giving it away is not a bad choice (Explained in Choice #3))
However, this is simple, just head over to G2A, here's the link:
Simply make an account, fill in all the details and sell your games on there.
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Warning #1: G2A will give you 10 free listings, meaning you can list 10 games for free however once you use up all of these listings, you will have to pay for a new listing each time, so make sure the game you're selling is worth more than the actual listing itself.
Warning #2: G2A is a very scam orientated website. It's fraudulent and takes a shit ton of money from the people who buy and sell games.
Richard Lewis made a great 2 hour video, I really recommend watching it, it really goes into the depths of how G2A is a very bad company and how it has to get replaced with a better regulated market. I know that I am a hypocrite by using their website if I have that kind of view of them however you got to do what you got to do to make money...
Richard Lewis' Video:
Warning #3: Do not sell used Steam Keys or your account will be -rep and eventually banned.
Link to IndieGala:
IndieGala giveaways are chance based however they giveaway guaranteed games from time to time on their website.
IndieGala is the way to give back to the community of free giveaways. If you have a Steam Key you don't want to sell or you already have the game. IndieGala will give you the opportunity to create a giveaway for that game, make sure the key you're using is valid and not used by yourself. With IndieGala you can also participate in giveaways, once you make an account on their website you will be able to join giveaways by using up your iC points and by creating giveaways you will gain those iC points as well as experience your account up to high levels which in turn will allow you to participate in higher-end giveaways. iC points will be generated with time, so once you use up iC points to join giveaways, you will have to wait until they regenerate back up.
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Warning #1: Do not giveaway used Steam Keys or your account will be -rep and eventually banned.
If you have reached this far, thank you so much for reading. In return I'd like to giveaway 3 free Steam Keys.
If you already used one up, please give other people the chance to grab another one. Don't take them all for yourself!
The Deer: