In-game name: Saeko

Age: 15

Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:65552013

Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it: Yes, and always.

Days of the week are you AVAILABLE TO PLAY : Everyday unless my plans says otherwise.

Hours In-game: 20

Time Zone: Pacific Time

Experience: I was a admin in a gmod serve like this, i fixed bugs and made sure it was fun for everyone even the rebellers. i introduct new players to the server and showed them how to play etc.

Rules you view as most important: That everyone follows them and make sure everyone has fun, no abuse by cops or admins.

Why we should pick you over the APPLICANTS : honestly I played jailbreak I loved it, but this is much more fun when chris showed me it. I dont minded if yah'll choose someone else but I think that it would be worth it. I work hard to everything I do if I set my mind to it. I want the best for everyone in the server I will do my best to make sure everyone has fun. I can introduct new players and show them how to play etc. I will understand if you dont choose me.

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