Unlocated wrote
Hello FaZe F♥♥♥♥t or Unlocated here if you are a new player to this amazing server here's the basics
Anyone that lives in Earths house or knows Earth don't fuck with
They will get your Cop App denied and mess with you constantly in game
Never plan on getting rich, the rich stays richer, the poor is poor
Don't get the rich mad they'll just abuse powers
Don't plan to kill Earth for his/her money, him/she will just no clip from her house to bank
Thanks for your time!
#1 then do not be a dumb ass and do not fuck with them? this is like the whole sheckles situation, if someone says hey back the fuck off, you do it. that just shows how much respect you got for someone.
#2 i would do the same to someone who wants to fuck with me. I would make their life hell on the server until they eventually stop being a little shit.
#3 that i can kinda sorta agree with, yes the rich get richer. this is due to the constant inflation of the economy. but the poor can get rich, just stop being stupid with the money you have. save resources for locks and housing along with plants, if you wanna fuck with someone, be my guest, but do not expect them to just shy away from that.
#4 thats fucking obv, its a lite rp, its not ment for some fuckwad poor shit to get what they want from a rich person. if you didnt want a fucking war with earth, why target him? like jesus the amount of stupidity from the group i have heard from today, when you want to fucking learn a lesson, you either: Learn through experience, like you have just done. or be smart and think before acting.
#5 proof? if you have any sort of valid evidence, assuming this was not written out of sheer stupidity and 12 year old anger, then make a fucking report. it literally takes 2 minutes max. if you say it takes to long, then clearly you dont fucking care.
stop bitching, and grow the fuck up. a famous person once said:
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I don´t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it." - rocky movie, from sylvester stallone.
if you cant handle a game that simulates a more lax version of real life, then you definitely need to rethink, how you need to fucking behave, how you need to grow up, if people like you did not cause so much stress on the admins, then moonshade would be a 150% better place, this is being said to multiple people, admins or not, some of you guys try to find any excuse to not receive a punishment, man the fuck up and take what you deserve.