So, as per normal me being the salty guy I am I get mad at Thunder and begin the process of breaking his locks. Now I only get to break 2 locks before he sells his door. Nothing out of the normal as most people sell their doors when their locks are being broke. Here is the screenshot of two locks being broken before I gain access to the next door inside due to him selling the door. Here is a screenshot showing the door is now sellable including the door number. So because he sold the door I had access to his two sub doors, here are the screenshots for those. now in both of these screenshots you can see the names of the doors, the owner of the doors, and the door number which further more goes to prove these are his doors. Now I ask hi multiple times to sell his sub doors because he no longer owned the main door but he refused saying " I'm busy not selling doors right now I'll sell it later ". Now I don't have video of this because I can't record on the computer I'm currently using right now so I'm hoping he will own up to this. If he doesn't it just shows what kind of person he is to me. Superpacman2007, FaZE Juan, Spliffman ( which is thunders friend so I doubt he can be used as a source), and Tactics ( which is my friend so I doubt he can be used as a source ) all witnessed me asking him to sell his doors multiple times when he refused. Please either have him buy the main door or sell the sub doors because I'm salty that he constantly yells at people on the server to follow the rules when he can't follow them himself. If you'd like to check logs this happened between the times of 11:15 and 11:40 MTZ
EDIT: As I saw BOT Thunder read this post around the time of me editing this he rebought the house. Cute might as well delete this because he'll never own up to it