I have been attacked and I feel like I need to speak my side of the story. BOT Thunder says don't become a "tactics", I will admit I have harassed him, but for him to say that I harass him every time he is on, no I haven't, in fact the morning of 6/30 I didn't say a word to him. For him to say that is pushing the line too far. I remember after returning to this server after a long ass time, he showed no one resepect, escpecially not me. He for fact cussed at me and killed me. Of course I don't have evidence to prove this. This is actually pathetic of me to respond to hate, but I like this server,and I'm not going to let BOT Thunder talk trash on me. Yeah I will be the man and admit I was being disrespectful, but I don't feel like if I showed respect to BOT Thunder he would be able to give me the same respect. It is asked to have evidence, and I have none that BOT Thunder has shown me disrespect. If you guys go back and see what I commented about BOT Thunder you can see that I stated that "I don't want to see a player who clearly loves the sever leave". I just replied to a forum already started basically vouching for the fact that he has not followed the rule. I also don't see this as a report I see it as BOT Thunder attacking all of us. It is pathetic for us to reply but there is feelings in everyone. This is honestly pathetic like come on we really don't need everyone in this fucking community to read about our pathetic rivalry.
THIS IS PATHETIC, just leave it be, its just a petty fight, no need to drag it out to something where players get banned.