Vic Rattlehead wrote
I joined this server to roleplay. I can understand that work needs to be put in for money, but I did not come here to play farming simulator. It is not hard to occasionally pick up cactus plants or counterfeited money and take it to the bank/drug dealer. I joined this server to play it, not sit afk 99.9% of the time.
No one said anything about not letting you roleplay lol. "Farming" doesn't simply have to be sitting in your room just repetitively planting drugs... I farm all the time while still running around the map talking to other people. It's as you said so yourself, "It is not hard to occasionally pick up cactus plants or counterfeited money and take it to the bank/drug dealer." Because that's exactly what I do when i'm on the server, unless I have some work to take care of, in which case, yes, I will stay in my place and farm while working on my shit.
Vic Rattlehead wrote
Something like that should be highly secretive and maybe have some kind of puzzle mechanic. Hit this button and this button at the same time to open the door you know?
Yes, we know exactly what you're talking about because we had the same thing incorporated in one of the 7.5mil castles back on Mittlefans but none of us had a say in this current map, City45, because the set up was done strictly by myback and jamal. Maybe listen to what you said about myback and "Respect his decisions" because they were the ones who decided to put that teleporter there in the first place? idk.
Vic Rattlehead wrote
Concerning the public/newer players, no one wants to pay 20mil for keys.
Correction, I was the only one to ever pay 20mil for keys. Keys can be bought for 1mil but have gone as low as 150k for access #liberalAF
Vic Rattlehead wrote
My final notes go as followed. I want to see a rolePLAY server like many people. Not a roleFARM server.
Again, i'm not saying that i'm strictly trying to make this a "roleFARM" server. I'm saying that people have been farming since the day this moonshade was introduced to the public... They introduced jobs to generate currency and implemented said currency to build all maps on a sturdy foundation. With money, you can more actively "rolePLAY" aka buying guns, doorhacks, houses, food, alcohol, buying keys to teleporter to rolePLAY. No one is forced to farm for their whole duration of time spent on the server, simply put, wanting to have fun and roleplay costs money anyways, doesn't have to be extreme farming, can just be occasionally picking up drugs and printers to make a steady flow of $.
Vic Rattlehead wrote
Guess what by the way? To make it harder, simply remove all that shit. You would be going in a loop back to the same problem. It is way hard to generate 20mil without farming. Either the door to the teleporter should be public, or not be there in the first place.
That would undermine everyones effort in farming to reach the 20mil. Imagine looking forward to reaching a united 20mil with other players to buy this remarkable place only to find out that some people want it to be taken away. All the hard work many people put in. People that didn't mind farming because we had the same goal: purchase the 20mil with the teleporter. Without that teleporter, the place I currently own would be nowhere near 20mil, as it would be a trap in itself to even try farming there (go thru 4 flights of stairs to get out the building)
Vic Rattlehead wrote
@Underwater Also, to respond to UnderWater, you did this for you. The tele. I am only speculating mind you, but you did this for possibly an advantage. You implemented that (or whoever made the map) for the personal benefit of going somewhere barely anyone can.
I'm going to be brutally honest. Yes. I know of the advantages of the 20mil teleporter. IT'S THE ONLY REASON IT COSTS 20MIL. I didn't do this for "possibly an advantage." I DEFINITELY bought the 20mil for exactly that advantage. That advantage costs 20mil and I worked fuckin hard for it. So yes, when some niggas come talkin bout how it ain't unfair or how it's not accessible(which it is), it's also unfair for my dedication to this server to be undermined and shat on.
Vic Rattlehead wrote
I will not be made a mockery by someone just because they are an admin.
Don't get the wrong idea, i'm not trying to make a mockery of you and anyone as an admin. My voice as admin will remain unbiased. I'm replying on this as the dude that owns the 20mil. I don't have shit against you or anyone, i'm just trying to defend the process many of us went through to get to where we are.