So, whilst playing on the server I went afk for a few minutes to use the restroom, I come back and see in the chat I have found a Friday the 13th crate. I get excited and I decide to open it. I open it up in the bank and it says you have un-boxed 3 Mag-7's. I was ready to sell them to someone and then I notice my inventory. They are nowhere to be seen. I disconnect and reconnect and try to ask people for help. However, not many members of staff were active during the issue. I did not want to keep this bug of sorts hidden away due to the fact that it could happen to someone else who knows. I tried even buying a glock 18 just to see if maybe I needed to make a weapons tab active in my inventory. There were no Mag-7's to be found. Nor were they to be found anywhere in my inventory. I lost 30,000 dollars of hard earned RP cash. I have screenshots below of my console proving I received a crate and mag-7s and such. Thank you.